Wilbert de Joode


Constellation 100 on tour

Greg Ward alto sax
Eric Boeren cornet
Jason Adasiewicz vibraphone
Wilbert de Joode bass
Mike Reed drums

25 March Ort, Wuppertal
26 March JazzCase Dommelhof, Neerpelt
28 March Bimhuis, Amsterdam
29 March L’Archiduc, Brussels, Belgium
01 April Mullbau, Lucerne, Switzerland
02 April Blue Tomato, Vienna, Austria
03 April Alte Gerberei, St. Johan, Austria

A new ensemble for listeners, but one with a considerable history for the musicians themselves. Constellation 100 is a continuation of the intensive contact between the Amsterdam and Chicago progressive music scenes, in Doek’s case particularly with the post-Ken Vandermark generation – Mike Reed, Nate McBride, Jason Adasawiecz, Greg Ward, Dave Rempis, Josh Berman et al – who now congregate at Mike Reeds’ Chicago club Constellation.…

Carte Blanche Tobias Delius @ Bimhuis January 16

TobiFriday 15 January
Bimhuis 20.30hr

As part of its 40th anniversary the Bimhuis gives has given carte blanche to the wonderful sax player Tobias Delius, in an adventurous exchange between musicians from Berlin and Amsterdam, featuring drummer Christian Lillinger.

Tenor sax and clarinet player Tobias Delius moved to Amsterdam 25 years ago putting his stamp on the local improv scene as a member of ICP Orchestra and many other bands. With his own bands he has also performed regularly at the Bimhuis.…

All Ellington @ Bimhuis 20 November

As part of Saxophone festival Sax 14 we proudly present in the Bimhuis ALL ELLINGTON:

Michael Moore altsax, Natalio Sued tenorsax, Christian Ferlaino baritonsax, Jodi Gilbert zang, Eric Boeren cornet, Jimmy Sernesky trompet, Joost Buis trombone, Wilbert de Joode bas, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Michael Vatcher drums

Lot’s of new repertoir from the The Far East Suite!
All Ellington
Beroemde en veel minder bekende composities van pianist en bandleider Duke Ellington worden nieuw leven ingeblazen door een hedendaags orkest vol meesterlijk improviserende musici.…