The Second Stop is Jupiter

Late night dance party at De Ruimte.
23:00 – 3:00
Second Friday of every month.

Lineup houseband:
Oscar Jan Hoogland keys
John Dikeman saxophone
Pino Polis guitar
Fabio Galeazzi drums

Every second Friday of the month, De Ruimte will explode with a burst of the craziest live music in town. Come shake off all your troubles with some wild after midnight dancing. If you’re still standing by the end, the party moves to the Ethiopian night club around the corner.

Special guests! Different guests will join each month but for the January edition: Harald Austbø a.k.a. cello man will bring his 5 string cello to supply us with jazzy baselines to move the feet properly… Eva Hoogland will give us a ticket to travel to the Turkeys 70’s Psych Folk space times… Miguel Petruccelli and Yvo Sprey summon Cumbia madness upon you.