
New Releases

Almeida, Dikeman, Hadow – O Monstro (Creative Sources)
Ambush Party – Circus (Platenbakkerij)
Cactus Truck – Seizures Palace (Not Two/Tractata)
Holy Rollers – Confessions – Live at OT 301 (Nachtstück Records)
John Dikeman – The Double Trio (Astral Spirits)

There are many new albums by Doek artists in formats including digital only, tape, CD and high quality LP that have been released in the past couple months. More info coming soon on our discography page but for now click the links above to find details, listen to samples and, of course, purchase!…


I Hear a Smell- Ton Mijs’ Photo book

ihearaphotoTon Mijs has created a beautiful photo book to document the performance of I Hear a Smell from Doek Festival #12. This performance, created by Tobias Delius and Ciska Jansen, mixed sight, smell, sound and taste. This unique book, which is available as a limited edition print-on-demand, is available on Ton’s website here.…

Short Doek Survey

Doek target audience survey

Wouter Kooij, graduate student at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, has created a survey to try to understand the relationship between different experimental music organizations and their audiences and how this relationship is impacted by the various types of media and marketing used by said organizations. If you have a minute, please take the time to fill out this quick survey and help Wouter, as well as Doek as a whole, get a better idea of how we can reach our audience.…

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Bakfietsband and Eric Boeren play the closing of Angels’ Share

Bakfietsband – A musical mini portrait from Carambolas Films on Vimeo.

This summer has featured a wonderful series of Saturday afternoon performances at Westerpark as part of Herbert Nouwens’ sculpture exhibition, Angels’ Share. Sadly, this Sunday, it comes to a close. For the final installment we are happy to have the totally unique Bakfietsband performing as well as cornet master Eric Boeren.

This week the performance will take place Sunday afternoon, August 31, starting at 17:00. The meeting point will be in front of the twin sculpture just west of Pacific Parc.…

Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour – August 30

index_zjftThe Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour is one of the highlights of the Dutch musical year. The programming is always excellent and diverse and the novel idea to bike from stage to stage across the northern Netherlands’ charming landscape is so appealing we borrowed the idea for the last two editions of the Doek Festival.

This year a number of Doek, or Doek related groups, will be performing:

Duo Delius / Scheen
Marie Guilleray / Eric Boeren 5tet
1000 & Eugene Chadbourne
Goudsmit / Bakker / Jäger

The complete programme is online at: Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour – Programme…