
Oscar Jan Hoogland exploring Berlin and Chicago for ABC!

Oscar Jan Hoogland 3

Next year’s Doek ABC Festival in 2016 will be about the Amsterdam-Berlin-Chicago connection. Oscar Jan Hoogland is using the summer period to check out both cities. He payed a first visit to Berlin last week enjoying some wonderful performances at So Wie So. The scene is bursting with energy even in these summer months, with Doek musicians Tobias Delius and Tristan Honsinger right in the middle of it all. The coming month Oscar Jan will be in Chicago to have a close look at what is going on there.…


BesteBuren logo Nederland and Flanders share a language. We share a border, but – as often happens with neighbours – we don’t meet up that often. That’s why 2015 is the year of BesteBuren, where we celebrate Flemish-Dutch creativity and cultural collaboration. Doek’s contribution to BesteBuren is the project Droom Duos, where we team Doek musicians with such interesting players as Fred van Hove, Bart Maris and Joachim Badenhorst. We’ll be presenting concerts in The Netherlands and in Belgium. First up is the Bimhuis on 18 September.…

Han Bennink, Oscar Jan Hoogland and Peter Evans @ NSJ

Han benninkJuly 10
@ North Sea Jazz Rotterdam
sold out!

Oscar Jan, Peter & Han will play trio at the coming North Sea Jazz Festival.
Han Bennink is artist in residence for this edition of Holland’s biggest jazz festival. After having played many duo gigs, on this occasion Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink will be joined by the phenomenal Peter Evans for a trio performance.
For more information visit the website.…

Eddie and the Eagles – FIN DU SAISON

Russolo-IntonarumoEddie and the Eagles: my skin is still singing


Thursday July 2nd
21:00 – 8 euro

Facebook event


My skin is still singing:
Makiko Ito/Michael Schumacher, movement, Oscar Jan Hoogland, music, Ellen Knops, lights

4 of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities performed by Harald Austbø
4 Orchestras in 1: The Veenfabriek Siren Orchestra, The Phonograph Orchestra, The Paper Ensemble, The Synthworkshop, featuring
Paul Koek, Mola Sylla, Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti, Jasper Stadhouders, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Jochem van Tol, Genevieve Murphy, John van Oostrum, Ton van der Meer, Frank Rosaly.…

Doek @ Zaal 100 June 28

slide-wolter-wierbos2Doek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 28 June
20:00 – free entry!

Wolter Wierbos hosts trombone night

With Sam Kulik, Koen Kaptijn, Joost Buis, Salvoandrea Lucifora

Doek @ Zaal 100 is a monthly meeting place for music, discussion, art and drinks. For this edition Wolter Wierbos has brought together an exceptional crew of trombonists from around the world coming from both classical and jazz backgrounds. Some of them are based in the Netherlands, and a couple are just travelling though. Either way, this will be an unbelievable evening of trombone madness including improvisation, discussion over the music and the instrument, and since there are some doublers in the group, a few guitars might pop up as well.…