
Dates Doek Festival 2016

Friday 29 April – Wednesday 4 May
Next year’s Doek festival will present bands and musicians who typify the flourishing improv scenes in Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago. It will be an action packed six days with music, film and dance all over town. Put in it your diary, take a week off work, book your flights, do whatever you need to do – but be sure to come and join us!…

Tangos for Buñuel

Tuesday 6 October
19:15 –

Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuels masterpiece from 1929 with tango music by Natalio Sued and Oscar Jan Hoogland.

Natalio Sued voice and clarinet
Oscar Jan Hoogland piano



Surrealism in Mexico

It’s an annual treat in EYE on Art’s Masters of the Avantgarde series: the screening of the first surrealist film, Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuel’s masterpiece of 1929 which he co-scripted with Salvador Dalí. A special detail: surrealist leader André Breton showed the film as he was touring Mexico, where he also encountered Leon Trotsky.…

DOEK @ ZAAL – September 27, shhhhhh live recording!

LV_20130403_11Doek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 27 September
20:00 – free entry!

Luis Vicente – trumpet
John Dikeman – saxophone
Wilbert de Joode – bass
Onno Govaert – drums

This month we will be doing a live recording in Zaal 100 with a quartet chosen by Portuguese trumpet monster Luis Vicente. It could be argued that live performance is the ideal environment for recording improvised music. So much of the music draws on the energy of the room and the audience. Come be a part of the process and hear this quartet in action!…