
Doek @ Zaal – February 28: the state of your equipment

tut-trumpetDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 28 Febuary
20:00 – free entry!

Wolter Wierbos and Joost Buis talk about their trombones.
Eric Boeren speaks with Felicity Provan about cornets and trumpets.
Eric talks to pianist Marta Warelis about her instrument.

Musicians talk about their instruments. Sharing anecdotes, thoughts about brands, the different sounds they get from different instruments, what the ideal sound is and how they try to get it out of their gear, they’ll give you an inside look at how they manage to coax beauty out of these hunks of metal, wood, strings… Their experience with using their equipment to let them express what they need to express.…

Kaja Draksler and Jasper Stadhouders join Doek

kajajasper3Doek is very proud to announce the addition of Kaja Draksler and Jasper Stadhouders to the artistic core. Kaja and Jasper represent the cutting edge of the Dutch improvisation scene. Both are instrumentalists of international acclaim but also artists who have been a big part of creating the bustling improv scene we have in Amsterdam today. Not only through their own projects but also by curating and organizing.…


09.jazzfestival_web_hoofd_outlinesNONA and Cultural Mechelen organize the 2nd edition of the jazz festival BRAND! to take place February 12-13 in Mechelen, Belgium. As well as the official festival there is a second program RAND! which will take place throughout the month.

BRAND! provides a platform for a new generation of musicians in collaboration with illustrious veterans of the music. This year, the focus of the festival is on Belgian/Dutch combinations. A number of groupings featuring Doek musicians will be performing including Ambush Party, Cactus Truck, Eric Boeren, Wilbert de Joode, Teun Verbruggen, ICP and The Ex.…

Doek @ Zaal – January 31, Bass clarinet festival after party

tobias-klein-door-cees-vd-venDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 31 January
20:00 – free entry!

Hosted by Tobias Klein

The second edition of the Basklarinet Festijn will finish on January 31 with an afternoon concert in Nijmegen. We thought we’d invite part organizer and brilliant improviser Tobias Klein to host an after party for the first 2016 Doek @ Zaal. We expect a plethora of clarinetists to come, improvise, chat, and get funky on the dance floor.

And, if you love bass clarinet as much as we all do, don’t miss the great Chicago bass clarinetist Jason Stein’s performance at De Ruimte the following night with Hearts and Minds.…

Dream duos: Beste Buren

BesteBuren logo b - url en payoffFor the project Droom Duo’s, Doek musicians team up with Belgian improvisers to play duo concerts in the Netherlands and Belgium. Look out for concerts in the coming few months by such duos as Wolter Wierbos/Kris Defoort; Oscar Jan Hoogland/Teun Verbruggen; Eric Boeren/Bart Maris and Wilbert de Joode/Fred Van Hove.

27/1 Oscar Jan Hoogland/Teun Verbruggen, De Singer, Rijkevorsel, Belgium
03/2 Eric Boeren/Joachim Badenhorst, De Singer, Rijkevorsel, Belgium …

Best of 2015

2015 was another great year for Doek. We had one of our best festivals ever, toured throughout the world with numerous projects, and released a number of exciting new recordings. Here’s a small list of a few journalists that listed various Doek related events as part of their Best of 2015 lists.

Ken Vos – Concert of the year for Jazzism: Misha Mengelberg: A Celebration – Doek Festival, Bimhuis

Tim Sprangers – Concert of the year for Jazzism: John Dikeman, William Parker, Hamid Drake – Bimhuis

Downbeat Readers Poll – Instrumentalist, clarinet: Michael Moore

Colin Green – Albums of the year for Free Jazz Blog: Dikeman, Parker, Drake – Live at La Resistenza (el Negocito)

Peter Gough – Albums of the year for Free Jazz Blog: John Dikeman, Steve Noble, Dirk Serries – Obscure Fluctuations (Trost)

David Shafir – Albums of the year for undistracted listening: Dikeman, Parker, Drake – Live at La Resistenza

John Sharpe – Albums of the year for All About Jazz: Universal Indians w Joe McPhee – Skullduggery (Cleanfeed)

Albums of the year on Opduvel: Dikeman, Parker, Drake – Live at La Resistenza

Tom Hull – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, clarinet: Michael Moore

John Sharpe – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, clarinet: Michael Moore

Paul Acquaro – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, tenor saxophone: John Dikeman

Mark Carroto – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, tenor saxophone: John Dikeman

John Sharpe – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, tenor saxophone: John Dikeman

Guy Peters – Encuesta 2015 Poll instrumentalist, tenor saxophone: John Dikeman…