Wannes Lacompte is a brilliant visual artist based in Brussels. Different Pieces is a series where Wannes invites different musicians to improvise while he does dishes. For the Brussles festival Wunderkammer #2 Wannes invited Mofaya!. Film by Reinhart Cosaert…
February 26 – Jasper Stadhouders
March 20 – John Dikeman Splendor
2 sessions: 11-13.30 and 15-17.00
€20 / €15 for students
We’re finishing up our series of Doek Workshops in Splendor. Some of these have been rescheduled a few times, well hopefully these dates will stick.
The daylong workshop will comprise two sessions (11-13.30 and 15-17). Cost of the workshop is €20 and €15 for students. There is a maximum of 10 students per workshop.
We will follow all COVID-19 regulations and precautions that apply at the time of the workshop.…
Bimhuis TV has created a new playlist featuring some of the great performances from the series The Impro Train. Organized by Doek with solos by o.a. Wilbert de Joode and Ab Baars, three great sets of Mother Tongue, the duo Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink and Jasper Stadhouders‘ quintet Bloodcloud.…
February 15 With guests Peter Ajtai and Balazs Pandi, Lumen, Budapest, Hungary 16 With Luke Stewart, Grand Cafe, Szeged, Hungary 17 With Marina Džukljev and Luke Stewart, KC Lab, Novi Sad, Serbia 18 With Luke Stewart, DIM, Belgrade, Serbia 19 With Luke Stewart, Cafe-Restaurant Jazzgalerie, Nickelsdorf, Austria 21Scena Supernova, Krakow, Poland 22Cyrk Pod Zielonym Xiężycem, Łódź, Poland 23 TBA, Poznan, Poland 24Sowieso, Berlin, Germany 25 With John Hughes, B-Movie, Hamburg, Germany…
December 23 De Vermanig, Zaandam.
Reservations (+ coronacheck + ID) mandatory via +31(0)614993320 of mailto:
December 30 Bimhuis, Amsterdam.
14:30. Maximum audience of 75. Tickets
January 09 PlusEtage, Baarle Nassau.
14:00. Maximum audience of 20. Tickets via +31(0)13 507 76 52 of
All Ellington will premier the new large scale work, the Zaanstad Suite, on December 23 in Zaandam.
Zaanstad Suite in four parts: Overture – inspired by a spectacular thunderstorm over the city Koogerpark Blues – an ode to a park around the corner, known for its summer blues concerts Zoom – an ode to the flower beds in Zaanstad that were built to attract bees Broken Windows – an ode to the large industrial halls in Zaanstad that could be renovated and used for new projects
The Suite was written on behalf of NFPK and the municipality of Zaanstad.…
This newly published video is made of excerpts from the latest Kaja Draksler Octet project: In Time. Based on the writings of Matsuo Bashō, this continues Kaja’s work integrating poetry with her own poetic compositional sensibilities.…