
Brandbrief Stichting Doek

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Vandaag hebben we deze brief aan de leden van de commissie OCW verstuurd:

Ondanks extra geld geen subsidie voor Stichting Doek
Amsterdam, 26 september 2016

Geachte heer, mevrouw,

Onlangs heeft Minister Bussemaker bekendgemaakt de komende vier jaar 10 miljoen euro extra aan cultuur te besteden. Als bestuur van Doek moedigen wij dit ten zeerste aan. Tegelijkertijd zijn we verbaasd en geschokt over de verdeling van deze gelden. Van alle instellingen die door het Fonds Podiumkunsten positief zijn beoordeeld, maar door het gebrek aan geld geen subsidie hebben ontvangen, kiest de minister er nu voor om eenzijdig de categorieën festivals en muziektheater te belonen.…

october meeting

bgcolor_000000 BIMHUIS
Friday 7 October 20:00 €20
Saturday 8 October 20:00 €20
Sunday 9 October 15:00 €20
3 day pass €45

Here at Doek we’re all looking forward to the October Meeting 2016, a three-day get-together of some of the leading young improvisors from the Netherlands and surrounding countries. The Bimhuis has assembled a stellar and diverse group of musicians – 27 of them! There’ll be duos, trios, large ensembles, rehearsed pieces, on the spot improvisations. Electric energy and astonishing music.…

No subsidy for Doek despite positive advice

In August the Performing Arts Fund released its binding recommendations for structural activity subsidy 2017-2020. Doek is happy to have received a positive judgement. The Fund praises Doek’s ‘diversity, ground-breaking attitude and adventurous approach’. By bringing a new generation of musicians on board ‘Doek conveys its vision on improvisation to a new and relatively young audience, without compromising adventure and experiment.’ And further: ‘As platform and incubator Doek occupies an important position in the improvised music scene in the Netherlands.’

Unfortunately the current total budget for performing arts in the Netherlands is at such a low level that even positively judged organisations do not receive funding as a matter of course.…

Doek at Jazz & the walvis

11 september 13:00 – 17:00
This Sunday, as part of Jazz & the Walvis, you can hear Wilbert de Joode duo with Tobias Delius in the good ship Walvis (1st half hour concert 13:00, last at 16:00) and Oscar Jan Hoogland solo in the Lloyd Hotel (14:00 and 15:00) . Jazz & the Walvis features 30 intimate concerts at 8 locations in the Oostelijk Havengebied. Looks like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
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what’s going on?

It’s the lazy summer months, but things are still bubbling along at Doek. Here’s what some of the musicians are up to:
Cactus Truck (John Dikeman sax; Jasper Stadhouders guitar; Onno Govaert drums) are playing on August 14 in Antwerp. Later on in the month they have a little tour:
27 august – Pori (Finland)
28 august – Helsinki
29 august – Stockholm (with Joe Williamson)
30 august – Oslo.
As usual Doek is represented at the fabulous ZomerJazzFietsTour, with Kaja Draksler (in duet with Lotte Anker).…

doek festival review

Here’s Ken Waxman’s Doek ABC Festival review, which appeared in the New York City Jazz Record and can also be found on Ken’s Jazz Word website.

Okapi at Fenix (photo BeataSzparagowska)With many parts of the Netherlands reclaimed from the sea over the centuries, the Dutch have long been adroit at recycling, reusing and repurposing. So it’s no surprise that except for the soft-seated Bimhuis, with its magnificent waterfront view, most venues for this year’s Doek ABC Improvisation Festival in Amsterdam, April 29 to May 4, had initially been built as schools, warehouses and even a dungeon.…