

Doek LIVE! Images Part 1 Cristina Marx

Doek Festival LIVE! presented numerous challenges for us as an organization but we are very proud that we were able to present a wide variety of fantastic live music in a responsible way. The festival was smaller, and not as many people traveled from abroad to perform or attend, but the spirit was soaring among those who were there.
Here’s a collection of images from the festival, shot by members of the audience.
Part 1 features photography of our dear friend Cristina Marx, #Photomusix.…

doek festival live! final day

Doek Festival LIVE! has been great so far. Everyone is happy to play and hear LIVE music again! Thanks to de Warme Winkel, de Brakke Grond and het Bimhuis for hosting us. Today the musicians will host you in their gardens or open work spaces. Drop in between 12 and 5 hear some music, talk about it, have a drink, share some ideas. Entrance by donation, the musicians decide what they will do and when. Please respect social distancing! Here’s the program:

12:00 – 17:00 – Eerste Atjehstraat 146hs, 1094 KV

Superinca Galactic Green
Acoustic Garden Hang with Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti vocals, Thijs Elzinga guitar, Joop Bollinger guitar, Oscar Jan Hoogland keyboards, Marcos Baggiani percussion

14:00 – 17:00 – Levantkade 9, 1019 MC
Mark Nieuwenhuis trumpets and electronics, and Chris Corstens saxes, flutes and electronics will make soundscapes and beats in the garden.…

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Wollo’s Brass Blast

Day 1 of Doek LIVE! at the Peepshow Palace, created by De Warme Winkel, in De Brakke Grond. That’s right, the stage is spinning! And the audience is comfortably seated in their beautiful, individual cabins.

Wollo’s Brass Blast, the quintet trombonist Wolter Wierbos especially put together for the Peepshow Palace, featuring Eric Boeren (cornet), Salvoandrea Lucifora (trombone, sousaphone), Joost Buis (trombone) and Partick Votrian (trombone, tuba, sousaphone).
Excerpt from Train Ride, by the late, great Sean Bergin.…

RIP Cor Fuhler

 We are deeply saddened by the passing of Cor Fuhler, founding member of Doek, musician, composer, band leader, instrument inventor and builder. His interests and contributions straddled genres and continents, so we join with people all over the world in saying farewell to an authentic, deeply creative spirit and a real human being.

We dedicate next week’s Doek Festival LIVE! to Cor and will be posting his music in the coming days. Later in the month Amsterdam friends will organise a get together to celebrate his life and memory.…


Hupata! Microclimates out now on Astral Spirits

Hupata! has just released their first album as a digital pre-order on the fantastic American label Astral Spirits. Hupata! is a trio of Marta Warelis, Ada Rave and Yung-Tuan Ku and is also one of the most recent additions to the stable of Doek groups.