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Doek Festival 2017 part of The Present is Present

In a departure from tradition, this year’s Doek Festival will be part of a larger event, The Present Is Present, a week long festival highlighting the rich and diverse universe of creative music in Amsterdam. The scene is flourishing, with new artists, groups, venues and series popping up all over town, crossing generations, genres and boundaries and injecting new life into the city. The Present Is Present celebrates this vibrant scene. It also marks the launch of a new website, presentsoundsamsterdam.…

DIA 2017

Dutch Impro Academy 2017

The Dutch Impro Academy is now taking applications for the 2017 edition of the academy which will take place August 20-26. Come to the Netherlands to study and perform with some of the greatest improvisers today including: Han Bennink, Anne La Berge, Mary Oliver and Doek’s own Michael Moore, Oscar Jan Hoogland and Wilbert de Joode.

More info available @ Dutch Impro Academy or click here to register!…

Eddie and the Eagles @ SEXYLAND with Carmen Schabracq and KING AYISOBA


Doek, Eddie the Eagle Museum and Carmen Schabraqc present:

Eddie and the Eagles: King Ayisoba & the Fictional Face Show

Doors open 19:30
Carmen will make a show with her masks: The Fictional Face Show
Her always dangerous and sexy art will take over SEXYLAND: the new hang out of the Eddie the Eagle Museum at the NDSM in Amsterdam Noord.
22:00 King Ayisoba from Ghana will play with his band. The wildest rhythm, improvisations, talking drums, raw voices and the KOLOGO POWER of The King!…

Kaja Draksler Octet – Gledalec out Friday

Kaja Draklser Octet – Gledalec
Clean Feed Records

Kaja Draksler releases her third album as a leader on Clean Feed this Friday with Gledalec. This is the debut recording for her Octet who will also be playing a number of festivals this season including Artacts in St Johann in Tirol, Taktlos in Zurich and Cerkno Jazz in Cerkno. Check the calendar for all dates.

It’s no wonder that a pianist with such a large sonic vision of her own instrument has an orchestral way of imagining sound and sonic associations, with her dedications to both the solo and the large ensemble formats complementing each other.

Wilbert de Joode Boy Edgar Prijs Tour – Core & More

Wilbert de JoodeThe Boy Edgar Prize award night at the Bimhuis was a beautiful evening honouring one of the greatest bassists in improvised music, Wilbert de Joode. It also featured some exceptional performances by a who’s who of musicians from all over the world.

Starting this February, Wilbert will present 10 concerts in the Netherlands with the ensemble Core & More.

He will be touring with 2 different ‘CORE’s :
1: WdJ + Jasper Stadhouders, Onno Govaert, Tobias Delius
2: WdJ + Marta Warelis, Onno Govaert, Tobias Delius

The “MORE”: for each concert there will be one or two of these fantastic musicians joining the Core.…

The Second Stop is Jupiter

Late night dance party at De Ruimte.
23:00 – 3:00
Second Friday of every month.

Lineup houseband:
Oscar Jan Hoogland keys
John Dikeman saxophone
Pino Polis guitar
Fabio Galeazzi drums

Every second Friday of the month, De Ruimte will explode with a burst of the craziest live music in town. Come shake off all your troubles with some wild after midnight dancing. If you’re still standing by the end, the party moves to the Ethiopian night club around the corner.…