All Ellington CD Presentation – Bimhuis and Brakke Grond
December 10 – De Brakke Grond
December 28 – The Bimhuis
All Ellington is about to release their first CD on de Platenbakkerij label and will be celebrating later this month at the Bimhuis. It’s becoming something of a year-end tradition for All Ellington to present their reinterpretations of Ellington’s elegant compositions at the Bim. If you don’t want to wait, they are also performing at De Brakke Grond as part of a program by Belgian theater group De Nwe Tijd.…
Dikeman, Glerum – Spirituals
Just in time for the holidays we’ve released an EP by John Dikeman and Ernst Glerum from their set of spirituals recorded at the Bimhuis November 24.
Doek Releases
There have been quite a few new Doek or Doek related albums that have come out in the last couple months on a range of formats including CD, tape and digital downloads. So many, we sometimes don’t keep up to date. Here’s a collection of new music from Doek artists you should check out!
Coming Soon
All Ellington – Plattenbakkerij PB0010
All Ellington’s debut CD! Join the Bimhuis CD presentation December 28.
Corda Bamba – Jacc Records
This quintet, previously known as the Coimbra Project, performed at the last Doek Festival, with Mark Sanders replacing Roger Turner.…
Space is the Place ft Doek
Friday 14 December
Space is the Place featuring Doek:
Wolter Wierbos solo
Sylla Hoogland Rosaly
The 2nd Stop is Jupiter:
PERCUSSION TRIO Galeazzi Govaert Rosaly
Superinka & The Galactic Green
The Zebra Street Band
21:00 – 23:00 Space is the Place ft. Doek – € 8
23:00 – 03:00 Second Stop is Jupiter – € 6
€ 10 combined ticket!
The next edition of Space is the Place featuring Doek shows as strong a line-up as we’ve ever presented. Wolter Wierbos is not only an idiosyncratic and world renowned improviser and trombonist, he’s especially known for his solo work which gives ample room for his broad brassy sound and spontaneous nature to shine.…
Doek in De Ruimte
Yes everybody, it’s that time again. After an extended summer break we are back in De Ruimte on every second Friday of the month. First up is Space is the Place ft. Doek with a solo set from one of the Doek members followed by a set featuring a Doek group. Then we put on our dancing shoes for 2nd Stop is Jupiter, with Cumbia, jazz and other crazy rhythms.
Friday 9 November Wilbert de Joode, solo and very amplified & Cactus Truck ft.…