Michael Moore Quartet on tour March and April
The Michael Moore Quartet is touring this spring, starting March 7 in the Bimhuis. After a few European gigs in March, the quartet will cross over the Atlantic for an American tour in April.
“Less is more: this clarinet and alto player can do surprisingly many things with few notes”
Vrij Nederland
“One of the finest jazz musicians working anywhere, either in the mainstream or the avant-garde.”
Chicago Reader
07-03 Michael Moore Quartet, Bimhuis, Amsterdam
14-03 Michael Moore Quartet, Stockwerkjazz, Graz, Austria
15-03 Michael Moore Quartet, PlusEtage, Baarle Nassau
12-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Duende, Oakland, USA
15-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, USA
16-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Red Room, Corvallis, USA
17-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Mission Theater, Portland, USA
18-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Royal Room, Seattle, USA
19-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Constellation, Chicago, USA
21-04 Michael Moore Quartet, Kerrytown Concert House, Ann Arbor, USA