Author: doek

mother tongue

Mother Tongue – Molla Sylla voice/mbira/xalam, Oscar jan Hoogland electric clavichord and Frank Rosaly drums – recently recorded a great half hour piece in de Rode Bioscoop as part of the Amarte Concert Series. Enjoy watching the trio at work – we also recommend hooking up to some good speakers for real closed eyes listening pleasure.

Thanks to the Roode Bioscoop, to Isla van Hout for the production, to the camera people and to Marc Schots for  a more that fantasic recording.…

nieuwe bestuursleden gezocht

Stichting Doek is op zoek naar twee enthousiaste kandidaten voor de functies van algemeen bestuurslid

Het bestuur van Stichting Doek bestaat op dit moment uit 5 onbezoldigde leden. Het bestuur houdt toezicht op het beleid van de Artistieke Commissie van Doek, op de algemene gang van zaken binnen de stichting en staat de coördinator van Doek met raad terzijde. Het bestuur richt zich op de belangen van de stichting, waarbij ze de inhoudelijke missie en visie van de stichting onderschrijft. Het bestuur vergadert 4 à 5 keer per jaar in Amsterdam en / of via video calls.…

doek impro workshops – starting 24 October!

Doek is organizing a series of workshops in Splendor in Amsterdam. Doek musicians are renowned for their skills and experience in the field of improvised music. They are keen to share their knowledge! The first workshop kicks off on 24 October and will be led by Kaja Draksler, who writes: I would like the participants to bring their own compositions and we then work from there on how to develop improvisational and personal language through composition.

The Doek approach to improvisation is not tied to any particular style, it’s about self-expression and drawing on musical experiences to create in the moment.…

sexy planet – series for boundless music – part 2

Friday 23 October, De Ruimte

Doors open 17:30, show time 18:00 sharp
3 separate sets
Tickets €5 per set
Capacity 30. Tickets here

Fearless sounds, recalcitrant rhythms and exciting interplay – it’s time to enjoy the best of the Amsterdam adventurous music scene and beyond in this inspiring concert series! Improv giants Stichting Doek and Space is the Place, together with De Ruimte, present Sexy Planet, this time in De Ruimte. All Covid-19 guidelines and regulations will be observed. Unfortunately we cannot serve drinks or food.…

Sexy Planet – series for boundless music

Saturday 10 October
Doors open 16:30, show time 17:00 sharp
Tickets €12,50 + €2,50 Sexyland membership.
During the evening John Pastinaak will offer a delicious meal for €10
Capacity 30. Tickets here

Fearless sounds, recalcitrant rhythms and exciting interplay – it’s time to enjoy the best of the Amsterdam adventurous music scene and beyond in this inspiring concert sereis! Improv giants Stichting Doek and Space is the Place, together with De Ruimte, present Sexy Planet in Sexyland and other places.

Programme Sexy Planet 1:

The Ambush Party is aptly named indeed.…

Doek loses funding

Doek is sorry to announce that our applications for structural four-year funding from both the Performing Arts Fund (FPK) and the Amsterdam Arts Fund (AFK) have been rejected. As things now stand this means that Doek will have no structural funding from the beginning of next year. We are currently considering our options – what is certain is that we have plenty of plans for the future, and want to continue to contribute to the development of improvised music, work with our many partners, and share our music with our audience, locally, nationally and internationally.…