Month: October 2020

doek impro workshops – starting 24 October!

Doek is organizing a series of workshops in Splendor in Amsterdam. Doek musicians are renowned for their skills and experience in the field of improvised music. They are keen to share their knowledge! The first workshop kicks off on 24 October and will be led by Kaja Draksler, who writes: I would like the participants to bring their own compositions and we then work from there on how to develop improvisational and personal language through composition.

The Doek approach to improvisation is not tied to any particular style, it’s about self-expression and drawing on musical experiences to create in the moment.…

sexy planet – series for boundless music – part 2

Friday 23 October, De Ruimte

Doors open 17:30, show time 18:00 sharp
3 separate sets
Tickets €5 per set
Capacity 30. Tickets here

Fearless sounds, recalcitrant rhythms and exciting interplay – it’s time to enjoy the best of the Amsterdam adventurous music scene and beyond in this inspiring concert series! Improv giants Stichting Doek and Space is the Place, together with De Ruimte, present Sexy Planet, this time in De Ruimte. All Covid-19 guidelines and regulations will be observed. Unfortunately we cannot serve drinks or food.…

Sexy Planet – series for boundless music

Saturday 10 October
Doors open 16:30, show time 17:00 sharp
Tickets €12,50 + €2,50 Sexyland membership.
During the evening John Pastinaak will offer a delicious meal for €10
Capacity 30. Tickets here

Fearless sounds, recalcitrant rhythms and exciting interplay – it’s time to enjoy the best of the Amsterdam adventurous music scene and beyond in this inspiring concert sereis! Improv giants Stichting Doek and Space is the Place, together with De Ruimte, present Sexy Planet in Sexyland and other places.

Programme Sexy Planet 1:

The Ambush Party is aptly named indeed.…


Doek Composes – Enkhuizen by Eric Boeren

Doek Composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska

The first publication in this series on our Bandcamp label Doek RAW is composed by cornettist Eric Boeren. He wrote a piece called Enkhuizen, which is a small town on the coast of the Ijsselmeer in the province of Noord-Holland in The Netherlands. Eric is, amongst many other things, an avid cyclist, and this is Eric’s explanation of how this composition came about:

“With my composition Enkhuizen I have tried to bring one of my theories into practice.…