Month: June 2018

this was our music

Photo: Cristina Marx

Doek Festival 2018, This Is Our Music, is over for another year. We all had a great time and, judging from the feedback, everyone else did too. We’ll be posting photos, films etc. here and on Facebook in the coming days. In the meantime a big thank-you to all involved – venues and their crew, musicians, volunteers, audience, workshop participants, photographers, filmers, sound people……….See you next year!…

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This is Our Music – Artist portrait Wolter Wierbos

Wolter Wierbos
Featured Ensemble for Doek Festival 2018
Friday June 15 – Bimhuis

It is hard to think about the trombone in improvised music without thinking about Wolter Wierbos. Wolter plays with such passion and intuition that one can sometimes forget how mind blowing his abilities on the instrument really are. As fellow trombonist Jeb Bishop said: “there are things on the trombone Wolter can do that no one else can do”. However, it’s still his strengths as an improviser that shine the brightest.…

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This is Our Music – Artist portrait Jasper Stadhouders

Jasper Stadhouders
Featured Ensemble for Doek Festival 2018
Stadhouders, Oliver, Vitols, ‘t Hart, Rosaly
Friday June 15 – Bimhuis

Jasper Stadhouders is one of the newest members of Doek and belongs to the youngest generation of Dutch improvisers. Since arriving in Amsterdam, Jasper has exploded onto the international improvised music scene. His playing showcases a completely natural musicality. One has the sense that he is so connected with his instrument he can play whatever he imagines. His ability to perform difficult compositions, with an assured sense of rhythm and harmony, combined with his extremely physical and dynamic approach to improvising, has led to him being one of the most sought after guitarists and electric bassists around.…

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This is Our Music – Artist portrait Michael Moore

Michael Moore
Featured Ensemble for Doek Festival 2018
Low, Slow, and Wobbly
Thursday June 14 – Splendor

It is incredibly rare to find a musician who is truly a master of free improvisation and traditional jazz forms. It’s reasonably common to find an improviser who can play within the jazz idiom, often in alarming and interesting ways, bending the conventions of the form to fit their interests. It’s also not uncommon to come across a consummate jazz musician who is willing to “go out” from time to time and explore the freedoms of non-idiomatic improvisation.…

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This is Our Music – Artist portrait Wilbert de Joode

Wilbert de Joode
Featured Ensemble for Doek Festival 2018
Ab Baars Trio
Saturday June 16 – Bimhuis

Wilbert de Joode is widely regarded as one of the foremost bassists in improvised music. He plucks, prods, bows and scrapes his bass with impeccable intuition and a vast vocabulary drawing from all corners of improvised music. Completely self taught, his approach to the instrument and improvisation in general is wholly unique. Wilbert is also one of the most attentive listeners around, which ensures phenomenal tone regardless of setting.…