Uitmarkt – Doek @ the Bimhuis
Uitmarkt turns 40
Amsterdam (NL), 25 – 27 August @ the Bimhuis
Ambush Party
Wilbert de Joode Core Trio
Uitmarkt is one of the biggest cultural events in the Netherlands, drawing an audience of over 450,000 people and presenting over 300 performances in just 3 days. This year should be especially festive as it marks the 40th year of Uitmarkt.
Doek is well represented at the Bimhuis, featuring the Ambush Party (Oscar Jan Hoogland, Natalio Sued, Harald Austbø, Marcos Baggiani), Feecho (Kaja Draksler, Onno Govaert) and the Wilbert de Joode Core Trio (Marta Warelis, Onno Govaert, Wilbert de Joode).…