Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour featuring numerous Doek musicians

August 24, 25
Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour

Low, Slow and Wobbly (aka Horn Guys)
Omelette Plays Ornette
William Parker, Klaas Hekman, Wilbert de Joode
Eric Boeren, Tobias Delius, Alexander Hawkins

The Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour is one of our favorite events in the Netherlands. Incredible music presented all over the countryside in the province of Groningen- you can hear bands in barns, churches, quaint houses and theaters. (In fact, we liked the ZJFT so much we stole the idea for our own festival and the Amsterdam Real Book Bike Tour has become a regular part of the Doek Festival.)

Every year the line-up is excellent and this year is no exception. Doek members are involved in no less than 5 ensembles and numerous Doek friends are performing as well, including the Han Bennink Trio; Perch Hen Brock & Rain; George Dumitriu; Tomchess/Esat Ekincioglu… Check out the full program online and we hope to see you there!