The Impro Train – Oscar Jan Hoolgand, Han Bennink Duo – Delayed

Concert has been cancelled due to new Coronavirus regulations
New date to be announced

Friday, November 6
The Bimhuis

Ada Rave solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
John Dikeman solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Ab Baars solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo

With full speed ahead, Bennink, Hoogland, Rave, Dikeman and Baars take you on the first Impro Train.

The Impro Train

Three different shows from the same band in one night. Three shows where the musicians pull out all the stops. Three shows that are so different from each other that you actually have to experience all three.
A challenge for musicians and audience: exciting music guaranteed. Ready. Set. GO!

1 show = 15 euros
2 shows = 25 euros
3 shows = 35 euros

With the passepartout you can buy tickets for two or three shows.

DRESSCODE: Hip 50’s 60’s club

Drummer and multi-instrumentalist Han Bennink loves sounds from unlikely objects, such as a kitchen chair. Bennink is one of the pioneers of Dutch improvised music. In 1967, for example, he founded the musician collective Instant Composers Pool with Misha Mengelberg and saxophonist Willem Breuker. Now he presents the album Goede Reis !, together with Oscar Jan Hoogland, which they recorded last summer at the BIMHUIS.

Hoogland (1983) represents the so-called ‘fourth generation’ of Dutch improvisers, along the lines of Misha Mengelberg, Guus Janssen and Cor Fuhler – clever pianists / composers who make music that transcends genre.