Wilbert de Joode
The Pink Tanker: Dave Rempis in town!
Wednesday December 2
De Roze Tanker
20:30 / 5€
Saturday December 5
De Ruimte
20:30 / 12€
Glad to have Dave Rempis in town again, one of the key figures of the Chicago creative music scene and a frequent collaborator with musicians from Amsterdam. At the Roze Tanker he will play with Jasper Stadhouders, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Terrie Ex, George Hadow, Arjen Gorter, Michael Vatcher and Onno Goveart.
Hear him again this coming Saturday 5 December at SPACE is the PLACE at De Ruimte as a special guest in John Dikeman’s group Universal Indians.…
All Ellington: We Love You Medley!
Tuesday November 17
Zaal 100
21:00 / 5€
Join us again for the monthly All Ellington night at Zaal 100! All Ellington will be joined by Gideon Tazelaar on alto! In the repertoire: medleys!…
DOEK @ ZAAL – September 27, shhhhhh live recording!
Doek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 27 September
20:00 – free entry!
Luis Vicente – trumpet
John Dikeman – saxophone
Wilbert de Joode – bass
Onno Govaert – drums
This month we will be doing a live recording in Zaal 100 with a quartet chosen by Portuguese trumpet monster Luis Vicente. It could be argued that live performance is the ideal environment for recording improvised music. So much of the music draws on the energy of the room and the audience. Come be a part of the process and hear this quartet in action!…
All Ellington @ Zaal 100 Opening of the season!
Tuesday September 15
Zaal 100
21:00 / 5€
Join us again for the monthly All Ellington night at Zaal 100! 3 guests tonight! Ada Rave, Giuseppe Doronzo and Salvoandrea Lucifora!…
Featured Artist – Wilbert de Joode
Doek Festival countdown
Wilbert de Joode bass
Wilbert de Joode has been playing bass since 1982 and is self-taught. He originally worked with groups that improvised with jazz as starting point. His idiosyncratic approach soon attracted attention and resulted in numerous invitations in the fields of music, dance and visual arts.
De Joode can now be regarded as one of the leading specialists in the fields of collective improvisation and Instant Composing. Creating new music on the spot calls for a free spirit who is always searching and taking risks – someone who can start from ‘nothing’ and doesn’t allow the ego to prevail.…