Space is the Place

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space is the place ft doek – May

May 11 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

Eric Boeren – cornet

Felicity Provan 5tet
Felicity Provan – cornet, voice
Han Buhrs – voice
Ada Rave – saxophone
Harald Austbo – cello, voice
Michael Vatcher – drums

The final edition of Space is the Place/Second Stop is Jupiter for this season is a full on brass onslaught. We’ll have a solo from resident cornetist Eric Boeren followed by one of Doek’s favorite non-Doek ensembles, the Felicity Provan 5tet.…

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Space is the Place ft Doek – February

February 9 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

This night’s program: the return of the veterans of the new Amsterdam impro scene, The Ambush Party. Plus a solo performance by Jasper Stadhouders!

Then over to the big room for the Second Stop is Jupiter at 23:00, with danceable jazz, Turkish and cumbia music.

Space is the Place ft. Doek, followed by The Second Stop is Jupiter, will take place every 2nd Friday of the month from January until May.…

Space is the Place ft Doek – january

January 12 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

This month’s SITP ft Doek features two special duos. Wilbert de Joode double bass and guest Julyen Hamilton present a magical and spirited blend of improvised double bass and poetry/spoken word. John Dikeman tenor sax and Wolter Wierbos trombone play duo for the first time – we’re anticipating fireworks, warmth and virtuosity.

Then over to the big room for the Second Stop is Jupiter at 23:00, with danceable jazz, Turkish and cumbia music.…

Space is the Place ft. Doek

December 8 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

Starting off with solos from two pianists with very different approaches to their instruments: Oscar Jan Hoogland and Kaja Draksler.

Then we move to the big room at 22:30 to hook up with BAZOOKA. – a fab band featuring The Ex-guitarist Andy Moor. playing Angolan dance music.

Andy Moor – Guitar | Jasper Stadhouders – Guitar | Marta Warelis – Keys | Miguel Petruccelli – Guitar | Onno Govaert – Percussion

The Second Stop is Jupiter starts again on December 8.…


Space is the Place/2nd Stop – Cactus Truck + Wilbert de Joode

October 13 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

Cactus Truck
Wilbert de Joode Solo

The Second Stop is Jupiter starts again on October 13. The series has been a great success, combining late night dance party aesthetics with an improvisational flare. De Ruimte has become the place to be every second Friday after your main activity of the evening but before heading off into the Amsterdam night for some seriously late mischief.…

The Pink Tanker: Dave Rempis in town!

Wednesday December 2
De Roze Tanker
20:30 / 5€

Saturday December 5
De Ruimte
20:30 / 12€

Glad to have Dave Rempis in town again, one of the key figures of the Chicago creative music scene and a frequent collaborator with musicians from Amsterdam. At the Roze Tanker he will play with Jasper Stadhouders, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Terrie Ex, George Hadow, Arjen Gorter, Michael Vatcher and Onno Goveart.
Hear him again this coming Saturday 5 December at SPACE is the PLACE at De Ruimte as a special guest in John Dikeman’s group Universal Indians.…