Out for Stars

Best of 2020 lists

Kaja Draksler, and her Octet release Out For Stars, has been all over best of lists for 2020. But she’s not the only Doek artist receiving accolades. Here is an abbreviated list of Doek mentions for last year.

Kaja Draksler: 20 women who caused waves in jazz
Kaja Draksler/Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars;
Vicente, Dikeman, Parker, Drake: Goes Without Saying, But it’s got to be Said Jazz.pt Best of 2020
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars Free Jazz Blog’s Top 10s
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars A Kind of Best Of 2020
Kaja Draksler; Kaja Draksler Octet; Jasper Stadhouders; John Dikeman; Gratkowski, de Joode, Kaufmann, Buck; Hupata!…

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Kaja Draksler Octet: Out for Stars – out now!

Kaja Draksler OctetOut for Stars
Clean Feed Records CF534CD

Kaja Draksler has produced another magisterial work for her Octet, based on the poetry of Robert Frost.

From Clean Feed:

With the previous “Gledalec”, Slovenian pianist and composer Kaja Draksler found a gem to work on, and here is the continuation of that labour, now having the poetry of Robert Frost as both inspiration and feedstock, in the voices of Laura Polence and Björk Níelsdóttir. The ambiances of the music are pastoral, respecting the poems taken from “West Running Brook”, “A Witness Tree” and “In the Clearing”.