Oscar Jan Hoogland

Doek @ Eye

driven Pyrenees pittoresquesIn 2015 Doek musicians will continue to play at Eye cinema. They will provide a live accompaniment to a selection of Jean Desmet’s films. Each night a curator makes a special selection from Desmet’s work.

January 8
19.15 hr: Between insanity & scholarship: lecture by Diederik Jekel
Self-declared nerd Diederik Jekel is fascinated by the years when Desmet released his films: it is the same era which saw the rise of modern physics. With live music by Yedo Gibson and Kaja Drakzler.…

Doek @ Eye Cinema December 18

J.D. Cinema parisien
Thursday 18 December
19.15 hr

Tonight Doek musician Oscar Jan Hoogland will play with Thijs Elzinga at EYE. They will provide a live accompaniment to a selection of films by Jean Desmet.

Jelle Brandt Corstius made a selection from the work of Jean Desmet. Jean Desmet was a pioneer of Dutch cinema during the years 1907–1916. He progressed from fairground operator to become one of the most important cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands.
Jean Desmet’s Dream Factory. The Adventurous Years of Film (1907-1916) is an exhibition about his work, currently to see at Eye.…

The Ambush Party and e-cinema: visual music and the beat generation

Films from the Beat era, when writers and film-makers were inspired by the improvised patterns of bepop. Live accompaniment from The Ambush Party.

December 9 @ EYE 19:15 hr

An evening devoted to visual music by master animators such as Hy Hirsh and Jordan Belson and jazzy films of the Beat Generation. Many of the highlights from the history of abstract animation were made in the fifties, in a climate characterized by a unique mix of jazz, interest in ‘altered states’, eastern religions and modern technology.…

All Ellington @ Bimhuis 20 November

As part of Saxophone festival Sax 14 we proudly present in the Bimhuis ALL ELLINGTON:

Michael Moore altsax, Natalio Sued tenorsax, Christian Ferlaino baritonsax, Jodi Gilbert zang, Eric Boeren cornet, Jimmy Sernesky trompet, Joost Buis trombone, Wilbert de Joode bas, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Michael Vatcher drums

Lot’s of new repertoir from the The Far East Suite!
All Ellington
Beroemde en veel minder bekende composities van pianist en bandleider Duke Ellington worden nieuw leven ingeblazen door een hedendaags orkest vol meesterlijk improviserende musici.…

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Ambush Party – Circus LP Release Party Nov 1

Circus LP Release Party
November 1 @ Plantage Dok
dinner 18:30, concert 20:30
Featuring live artwork by Theo Tomson

“Faithful to its name and to the circus life, The Ambush Party delivers a wild, engaging ride. ****”

Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz

The Ambush Party has released their second album, Circus, on Platenbakkerij. While the CD has been out for a couple months the LP is fresh off the press and they are celebrating with a huge night at Plantage Dok.…

Doek @ Zaal 100 – Impro & Poetry October 26

impro_poezieSunday 26 October
Doek @ Zaal 100 – Impro & Poetry
8:00 pm
Entrance free

Doek @ Zaal 100 is a monthly meeting place for music, discussion, art and drinks. For this edition guest curator Jappe Groenendijk composed an evening on music and poetry.

The event starts of with a duo, followed by a quintet.

Over the years, poet/dancer Julyen Hamilton and double bass player Wilbert de Joode performed on several occasions as a duo, combining fully improvised text and music.…