All Ellington: We Love You Medley!
Tuesday November 17
Zaal 100
21:00 / 5€
Join us again for the monthly All Ellington night at Zaal 100! All Ellington will be joined by Gideon Tazelaar on alto! In the repertoire: medleys!…
Tuesday November 17
Zaal 100
21:00 / 5€
Join us again for the monthly All Ellington night at Zaal 100! All Ellington will be joined by Gideon Tazelaar on alto! In the repertoire: medleys!…
DE TIJD Freek Vielen and The Ambush Party
Monday October 26 Arnhem
Saturday October 31 Dilbeek (Belgium)
Tuesday November 10 Brussels (Belgium)
NB: in Dutch!…
Tuesday 6 October
19:15 –
Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuels masterpiece from 1929 with tango music by Natalio Sued and Oscar Jan Hoogland.
Natalio Sued voice and clarinet
Oscar Jan Hoogland piano
Surrealism in Mexico
It’s an annual treat in EYE on Art’s Masters of the Avantgarde series: the screening of the first surrealist film, Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuel’s masterpiece of 1929 which he co-scripted with Salvador Dalí. A special detail: surrealist leader André Breton showed the film as he was touring Mexico, where he also encountered Leon Trotsky.…
Van Gogh Museum
Friday 25 September
Natalio Sued and Michael Moore – clarinet
Oscar Jan Hoogland old 78rpm phonograph
Edvard Munch made a very curious film full of dizzy spinning and blurry camera work. This film will be the opening of a weekend program at Van Gogh Museum full of art music and performances.
Live music by Moore Hoogland and Sued.…