Oscar Jan Hoogland


The Impro Train: Blood Cloud & Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo CD presentation

December 11 – Bimhuis
Blood Cloud
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo


For the second edition of the Impro Train (which has actually become the first), we have a stellar line-up of Blood Cloud, a quintet led by Jasper Stadhouders that performed at this years Doek LIVE! festival, as well as the CD presentation of Goede Reis! by Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink.

Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Goede Reis!

ICP 064

Although the incredible duo of Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink has existed for about a decade, Goede Reis!…


Doek Composes – Passage by Kaja Draksler

Doek Composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska

The second publication in this series on Doek RAW is composed by pianist Kaja Draksler. She wrote a piece called Passage. When we asked her to write a short text to accompany her composition, she created a poem by combining definitions from the Cambridge dictionary.


A way of escape.

The passage of time- the process of time going past.…

The Impro Train – Oscar Jan Hoolgand, Han Bennink Duo – Delayed

Concert has been cancelled due to new Coronavirus regulations
New date to be announced

Friday, November 6
The Bimhuis

Ada Rave solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
John Dikeman solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Ab Baars solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo

With full speed ahead, Bennink, Hoogland, Rave, Dikeman and Baars take you on the first Impro Train.

The Impro Train

Three different shows from the same band in one night. Three shows where the musicians pull out all the stops.…


Doek Composes – Enkhuizen by Eric Boeren

Doek Composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska

The first publication in this series on our Bandcamp label Doek RAW is composed by cornettist Eric Boeren. He wrote a piece called Enkhuizen, which is a small town on the coast of the Ijsselmeer in the province of Noord-Holland in The Netherlands. Eric is, amongst many other things, an avid cyclist, and this is Eric’s explanation of how this composition came about:

“With my composition Enkhuizen I have tried to bring one of my theories into practice.…