Oscar Jan Hoogland

All Ellington @ Zaal 100 – Tuesday October 21


Tuesday – 21:00 €5
Michael Moore – alto sax and clarinet; Natalio Sued – tenor sax; Christian Ferlaino – baritone sax; Jimmy Sernesky – trumpet; Eric Boeren – cornet; Joost Buis – trombone; Jodi Gilbert – voice; Oscar Jan Hoogland – piano; Wilbert de Joode – bass; Michael Vatcher – drums

No straight up Ellington with this band: Doek musicians would not be Doek musicians if they didn’t give the music their own twist, while treating the material with love and respect.…

Oscar Jan Hoogland @ EYE. E*cinema Surrealisme: ode aan Luis Buñuel

un-chien-andalou_salvador-dali_ants_pink-pigeonTuesday October 07 19:15 @ EYE

On Tuesday 7 October I will play a solo piece at EYE to the surrealistic film classic ‘Un chien andalou’ (1928) by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali as part of the E*cinema series. I think I will employ the anti-efficiency concept of one man with a lot of stuff that sounds.

Oscar Jan Hoogland

This program will illustrate the multifaceted and creative figure of Luis Buñuel, and his approach to film firstly through script writing and then through directing.…

The Job @ Paradiso – October 2

the job_ibelisseThe Job @ Paradiso – Thursday 2 October
22:00 €5

Tonight The Job will play at Paradiso. Again with a bigger line-up! They are the last band of the night after The Shady Greys and Canshaker Pi.
Every time The Job has played as a bigger band they have always had somebody playing in the band for the first time.  This time it is Bo Koek, who will make his debut behind the drums!

Further on board: Harald Austbø on vocals, raps, beatbox and shakers; Jappe Groenendijk playing sax, harmonica and didgeridoo; the t.b.a.…

Amsterdam Real Book @ Bimhuis – October 4

logo-arbbSaturday 4 October
Bimhuis 40th Anniversary
20:30 €25/€21

Amsterdam Real Book
Håkon Kornstad Tenor Battle – Solo
Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra
Dave Burrell Piano ‘Round Midnight

Amsterdam Real Book
Michael Moore, Yedo Gibson, John Dikeman rieten, Felicity Provan trompet, Wolter Wierbos trombone, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Jasper Stadhouders gitaar/bas, Onno Govaert drums

As part of the 40th Anniversary Kick Off Weekend a selection of Doek musicians will play some highlights from the Dutch jazz canon. The repertoire includes music by Misha Mengelberg, Sean Bergin, The Ex, Paul Termos, Theo Loevendie, Michael Moore, Willem Breuker, Leo Cuypers, Guus Janssen, Ab Baars, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Jack Bulterman, Joost Buis and Tristan Honsinger.…

New Releases

Almeida, Dikeman, Hadow – O Monstro (Creative Sources)
Ambush Party – Circus (Platenbakkerij)
Cactus Truck – Seizures Palace (Not Two/Tractata)
Holy Rollers – Confessions – Live at OT 301 (Nachtstück Records)
John Dikeman – The Double Trio (Astral Spirits)

There are many new albums by Doek artists in formats including digital only, tape, CD and high quality LP that have been released in the past couple months. More info coming soon on our discography page but for now click the links above to find details, listen to samples and, of course, purchase!…

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Bakfietsband and Eric Boeren play the closing of Angels’ Share

Bakfietsband – A musical mini portrait from Carambolas Films on Vimeo.

This summer has featured a wonderful series of Saturday afternoon performances at Westerpark as part of Herbert Nouwens’ sculpture exhibition, Angels’ Share. Sadly, this Sunday, it comes to a close. For the final installment we are happy to have the totally unique Bakfietsband performing as well as cornet master Eric Boeren.

This week the performance will take place Sunday afternoon, August 31, starting at 17:00. The meeting point will be in front of the twin sculpture just west of Pacific Parc.…