Marta Warelis

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Ada Rave Trio and Omawi – 2 new doek ensembles

We are overjoyed to have two fantastic new members join the Doek artistic core: Ada Rave and Marta Warelis. And with them come a number of excellent new ensembles. The Ada Rave Trio and Omawi have already been added to our Groups page. Go there to find out all about those bands as well as watch and listen to their fabulous music.

Doek @ Zaal – February 28: the state of your equipment

tut-trumpetDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 28 Febuary
20:00 – free entry!

Wolter Wierbos and Joost Buis talk about their trombones.
Eric Boeren speaks with Felicity Provan about cornets and trumpets.
Eric talks to pianist Marta Warelis about her instrument.

Musicians talk about their instruments. Sharing anecdotes, thoughts about brands, the different sounds they get from different instruments, what the ideal sound is and how they try to get it out of their gear, they’ll give you an inside look at how they manage to coax beauty out of these hunks of metal, wood, strings… Their experience with using their equipment to let them express what they need to express.…