Kaja Draksler Octet

Best of 2020 lists

Kaja Draksler, and her Octet release Out For Stars, has been all over best of lists for 2020. But she’s not the only Doek artist receiving accolades. Here is an abbreviated list of Doek mentions for last year.

Kaja Draksler: 20 women who caused waves in jazz
Kaja Draksler/Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars;
Vicente, Dikeman, Parker, Drake: Goes Without Saying, But it’s got to be Said Jazz.pt Best of 2020
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars Free Jazz Blog’s Top 10s
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars A Kind of Best Of 2020
Kaja Draksler; Kaja Draksler Octet; Jasper Stadhouders; John Dikeman; Gratkowski, de Joode, Kaufmann, Buck; Hupata!…

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Kaja Draksler Octet: Out for Stars – out now!

Kaja Draksler OctetOut for Stars
Clean Feed Records CF534CD

Kaja Draksler has produced another magisterial work for her Octet, based on the poetry of Robert Frost.

From Clean Feed:

With the previous “Gledalec”, Slovenian pianist and composer Kaja Draksler found a gem to work on, and here is the continuation of that labour, now having the poetry of Robert Frost as both inspiration and feedstock, in the voices of Laura Polence and Björk Níelsdóttir. The ambiances of the music are pastoral, respecting the poems taken from “West Running Brook”, “A Witness Tree” and “In the Clearing”.

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The new season begins

After a refreshing summer filled with festivals and fun, the new season for improvised music has now begun. Amsterdam is chock-full of great venues and improvised series – be sure to check out Present Sounds Amsterdam to get an overview of everything going on. Here are some highlights featuring Doek ensembles.

Zaal 100

Impro Jazzcafe
Zaal 100 is back with regular shows every Tuesday night including the monthly showcase for All Ellington every third Tuesday of the Month.

De Ruimte

Space is the Place, Second Stop is Jupiter, Ditdit-dada-ditdit
Space is the Place at De Ruimte has already hosted a number of great shows and will begin their collaboration with Doek November 9 featuring Cactus Truck with special guest James Brandon Lewis as well as an incredibly rare, heavily amplified bass solo by Wilbert de Joode.…


Kaja Draksler at L’Alarme! Festival

August 3 – Kaja Draksler Solo
August 5 – Kaja Draksler Octet

Kaja Draksler is one of the latest musicians to join Doek and she continues her amazing work performing solo and with numerous ensembles throughout Europe and beyond. This month she is featured twice at the L’Alarme! Festival in Berlin performing solo and with her Octet. For complete information on the festival check their website.…

Kaja Draksler Octet – Gledalec out Friday

Kaja Draklser Octet – Gledalec
Clean Feed Records

Kaja Draksler releases her third album as a leader on Clean Feed this Friday with Gledalec. This is the debut recording for her Octet who will also be playing a number of festivals this season including Artacts in St Johann in Tirol, Taktlos in Zurich and Cerkno Jazz in Cerkno. Check the calendar for all dates.

It’s no wonder that a pianist with such a large sonic vision of her own instrument has an orchestral way of imagining sound and sonic associations, with her dedications to both the solo and the large ensemble formats complementing each other.