John Dikeman


Cactus Truck news – CD, Festivals, Tours

cactusseizuressmallSeizures Palace new CD on Not Two / Tractata Records[sc_embed_player fileurl=””]

Fourth Wind extract

Krakow Jazz Autumn
Sep 29
Are You FREE? Oct 10
London Jazz Festival Nov 22

Europe Sep 29 – Oct 10
USA Nov 29 – Dec 24

First up is the release of their latest album Seizures Palace on the Polish Not Two Records. They will celebrate the release in Krakow on September 28 at the Krakow Jazz Autumn, one of the most adventurous festivals in Poland.…


Doek @ Felix, Sunday November 23

Felix MeritisSunday November 23
Felix Meritis Keizersgracht 324
8:30 PM – €10 for pre-order €14 at the door

Kaja Draksler piano, Ada Rave saxophone, Wilbert de Joode bass
John Dikeman saxophone solo
Available Jelly Michael Moore – saxophone, Eric Boeren – cornet, Wolter Wierbos – trombone, Arjen Gorter – bass, Michael Vatcher – drums

Doek has been given a unique chance to present an evening at the beautiful Felix Meritis and we’ve jumped at the opportunity to showcase three ensembles that highlight different aspects of Doek’s music.…

Cactus Truck featuring Ava Mendoza @ Eye Cinema – October 14

slide-cactus-truck2-1Tuesday October 14

To celebrate British light artist Anthony McCall’s exhibition, EYE on ART will highlight the artistic context of McCall’s oeuvre – think minimal art and Land Art – and the all-important basic concepts such as the experience of time and space and the viewer’s position.
A great deal of McCall’s work is about defining space (sculptural and cinematic space) and it bears a surprising number of similarities to Land Art’s basic tennets.

Gordon Matta-Clark: Conical Intersect (1975, 18’40’’, 16mm op video) with live music by Cactus Truck featuring Ava Mendoza.…

Amsterdam Real Book @ Bimhuis – October 4

logo-arbbSaturday 4 October
Bimhuis 40th Anniversary
20:30 €25/€21

Amsterdam Real Book
Håkon Kornstad Tenor Battle – Solo
Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra
Dave Burrell Piano ‘Round Midnight

Amsterdam Real Book
Michael Moore, Yedo Gibson, John Dikeman rieten, Felicity Provan trompet, Wolter Wierbos trombone, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Jasper Stadhouders gitaar/bas, Onno Govaert drums

As part of the 40th Anniversary Kick Off Weekend a selection of Doek musicians will play some highlights from the Dutch jazz canon. The repertoire includes music by Misha Mengelberg, Sean Bergin, The Ex, Paul Termos, Theo Loevendie, Michael Moore, Willem Breuker, Leo Cuypers, Guus Janssen, Ab Baars, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Jack Bulterman, Joost Buis and Tristan Honsinger.…

New Releases

Almeida, Dikeman, Hadow – O Monstro (Creative Sources)
Ambush Party – Circus (Platenbakkerij)
Cactus Truck – Seizures Palace (Not Two/Tractata)
Holy Rollers – Confessions – Live at OT 301 (Nachtstück Records)
John Dikeman – The Double Trio (Astral Spirits)

There are many new albums by Doek artists in formats including digital only, tape, CD and high quality LP that have been released in the past couple months. More info coming soon on our discography page but for now click the links above to find details, listen to samples and, of course, purchase!…


Frank Rosaly, John Dikeman site specific tour August 13, Amsterdam leg COPY

Frank Rosaly and John Dikeman will be doing a series of site specific outdoor performances throughout the Netherlands. The route is approximate.

Part 2
August 13
19.00 Westerpark, under the bridge
20.00 Nieuwe Hemweg, by the thingy
21.00 Bijlmer, Doek headquarters near Metro Kraaienest
Click the link for google map

The August 8 tour was exhilarating and exhausting. Big thanks to everyone involved especially Eric from JazzBlazzt and Gilbert from Koffie en Ambacht.

This tour is supported by Fonds Podiumkunsten as a part of the Balcony Scenes series.…