Impro Train


The Impro Train: Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo

Last fall Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink released an excellent album of their long standing duo, Goede Reis, on ICP Records. This March they performed with the duo at the Bimhuis as part of our collaborative series, The Impro Train. No audience was allowed, but cameras were. Watch the two cruise, splatter, jip and flrp over compositions of Misha Mengelberg, Thelonious Monk, Paul Termos, and Cor Fuhler, as well as some originals and fully improvised pieces. …and swing, they also swing!…


The Impro Train: Blood Cloud & Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo CD presentation

December 11 – Bimhuis
Blood Cloud
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo


For the second edition of the Impro Train (which has actually become the first), we have a stellar line-up of Blood Cloud, a quintet led by Jasper Stadhouders that performed at this years Doek LIVE! festival, as well as the CD presentation of Goede Reis! by Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink.

Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Goede Reis!

ICP 064

Although the incredible duo of Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink has existed for about a decade, Goede Reis!…