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The Impro Train: Hupata! and Wilbert de Joode

Bimhuis and Doek Present:
The Impro Train
June 11, 2021
3 Sets at 19.00, 20.30 and 22.00

The Impro Train is back, baby!
Three sets by two ensembles. Go to one, go to them all, either way it’ll be a fabulous evening.

Saxophone, piano and percussion form the sound of Hupata!, alongside a wonky, wobbly, rickety, going hog wild wagon filled with toys, which transform and take shapes of birds, elephants, camels, taking you for a journey.…

Best of 2020 lists

Kaja Draksler, and her Octet release Out For Stars, has been all over best of lists for 2020. But she’s not the only Doek artist receiving accolades. Here is an abbreviated list of Doek mentions for last year.

Kaja Draksler: 20 women who caused waves in jazz
Kaja Draksler/Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars;
Vicente, Dikeman, Parker, Drake: Goes Without Saying, But it’s got to be Said Best of 2020
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars Free Jazz Blog’s Top 10s
Kaja Draksler Octet: Out For Stars A Kind of Best Of 2020
Kaja Draksler; Kaja Draksler Octet; Jasper Stadhouders; John Dikeman; Gratkowski, de Joode, Kaufmann, Buck; Hupata!…


Hupata! Microclimates out now on Astral Spirits

Hupata! has just released their first album as a digital pre-order on the fantastic American label Astral Spirits. Hupata! is a trio of Marta Warelis, Ada Rave and Yung-Tuan Ku and is also one of the most recent additions to the stable of Doek groups.