George Hadow

The Pink Tanker: Dave Rempis in town!

Wednesday December 2
De Roze Tanker
20:30 / 5€

Saturday December 5
De Ruimte
20:30 / 12€

Glad to have Dave Rempis in town again, one of the key figures of the Chicago creative music scene and a frequent collaborator with musicians from Amsterdam. At the Roze Tanker he will play with Jasper Stadhouders, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Terrie Ex, George Hadow, Arjen Gorter, Michael Vatcher and Onno Goveart.
Hear him again this coming Saturday 5 December at SPACE is the PLACE at De Ruimte as a special guest in John Dikeman’s group Universal Indians.…

Eddie and the Eagles @ OT301

terrieEddie and the Eagles: beneath the pavement lies the beach.

Hosted by Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti and Jochem van Tol.

Wednesday 15 april
21:00 – 8 euro

Facebook event

Tuthola – Amsterdam based Indie Beatcombo
The Paper Ensemble #11
Three drummers set – Michael Vatcher, George Hadow, Onno Govaert
Terrie Ex – solo guitar
Daan Johan – sound installation Line
DJ Alex Figueira – Voodoo Vintage
Dancers – Birgit Gunzl, Raouxo Germano, Fabian Holle, Inge van Huijkelom
Visuals – Yvo Sprey
Hosts – Jochem van Tol + Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti…

Doek @ zaal 100 March 29 – George Hadow and Yuan Liu

yuanDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 29 March
20:00 – free entry!

George Hadow
Yuan Liu

This month Doek has invited two wonderful artists to curate our monthly Doek @ Zaal night: percussionist George Hadow and visual artist, filmmaker Yuan Liu.

Featuring musical performances – Raoul van der Weide solo
George Hadow, Onno Govaert, Michael Vatcher percussion trio
“Biomaterial Screen Projection will include revamped YL special stock footage starring Saira M Huff Gea Philes Dominika Em Jessica Pavone Josh Hydeman Ava Mendoza Mark DeWitt Will Graefe Jeremy Gustin and hopefully in time for Aaron Lumley and Jasper Stadhouders” Yuan Liu…