Doek @ Eye Cinema December 18

J.D. Cinema parisien
Thursday 18 December
19.15 hr

Tonight Doek musician Oscar Jan Hoogland will play with Thijs Elzinga at EYE. They will provide a live accompaniment to a selection of films by Jean Desmet.

Jelle Brandt Corstius made a selection from the work of Jean Desmet. Jean Desmet was a pioneer of Dutch cinema during the years 1907–1916. He progressed from fairground operator to become one of the most important cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands.
Jean Desmet’s Dream Factory. The Adventurous Years of Film (1907-1916) is an exhibition about his work, currently to see at Eye.…

The Ambush Party and e-cinema: visual music and the beat generation

Films from the Beat era, when writers and film-makers were inspired by the improvised patterns of bepop. Live accompaniment from The Ambush Party.

December 9 @ EYE 19:15 hr

An evening devoted to visual music by master animators such as Hy Hirsh and Jordan Belson and jazzy films of the Beat Generation. Many of the highlights from the history of abstract animation were made in the fifties, in a climate characterized by a unique mix of jazz, interest in ‘altered states’, eastern religions and modern technology.…

Cactus Truck featuring Ava Mendoza @ Eye Cinema – October 14

slide-cactus-truck2-1Tuesday October 14

To celebrate British light artist Anthony McCall’s exhibition, EYE on ART will highlight the artistic context of McCall’s oeuvre – think minimal art and Land Art – and the all-important basic concepts such as the experience of time and space and the viewer’s position.
A great deal of McCall’s work is about defining space (sculptural and cinematic space) and it bears a surprising number of similarities to Land Art’s basic tennets.

Gordon Matta-Clark: Conical Intersect (1975, 18’40’’, 16mm op video) with live music by Cactus Truck featuring Ava Mendoza.…

Oscar Jan Hoogland @ EYE. E*cinema Surrealisme: ode aan Luis Buñuel

un-chien-andalou_salvador-dali_ants_pink-pigeonTuesday October 07 19:15 @ EYE

On Tuesday 7 October I will play a solo piece at EYE to the surrealistic film classic ‘Un chien andalou’ (1928) by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali as part of the E*cinema series. I think I will employ the anti-efficiency concept of one man with a lot of stuff that sounds.

Oscar Jan Hoogland

This program will illustrate the multifaceted and creative figure of Luis Buñuel, and his approach to film firstly through script writing and then through directing.…