Tangos for Buñuel

Tuesday 6 October
19:15 –

Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuels masterpiece from 1929 with tango music by Natalio Sued and Oscar Jan Hoogland.

Natalio Sued voice and clarinet
Oscar Jan Hoogland piano



Surrealism in Mexico

It’s an annual treat in EYE on Art’s Masters of the Avantgarde series: the screening of the first surrealist film, Un chien andalou, Luis Buñuel’s masterpiece of 1929 which he co-scripted with Salvador Dalí. A special detail: surrealist leader André Breton showed the film as he was touring Mexico, where he also encountered Leon Trotsky.…

EYE on Art: Time, forwards! Soviet Constructivist Cinema feat. ZEA!


Tuesday September 15

ZEA’s website

Time, forwards! Soviet Constructivist Cinema
with live music by Arnold de Boer (ZEA/The Ex) guitar and electronics

An evening on constructivism and films from the Soviet Union – from the beginnings of the artists’ group LEF in the wake of the Russian Revolution to the period after 1965 when these industrial aesthetics were again invoked.
Sviridov’s orchestral suite ‘Time, Forwards’ provided the basis for this ‘revival’ of constructivism. It is one of the emblematic music pieces from the Soviet era and became a sort of calling card for the USSR.…

Arakinema @ EYE with Oscar Jan Hoogland and Ab Baars

Tuesday 10 Feb 2015 19:30 @ EYE i.s.m Foam & St. Doek & Public
Nobuyoshi Araki: Arakinema
Live music: Ab Baars (tenorsax, clarinet, shakuhachi) Oscar Jan Hoogland (piano, electric clavichord)

alluring_hell_2008_c_nobuyoshi_araki_in_collaboration_with_galerie_alex_daniels_reflex_amsterdam06_0Araki started working on Arakinema, a slideshow of his images accompanied by live music, in 1986. The slideshows last approx. 20 minutes each. EYE will be screening three: Tokyo viewed from a cab in early morning ; his gorgeous model and dancer Kaori and, finally, his farewell to his beloved wife Yoko.…

VOODOO @ EYE with Mola Sylla and Vincent Pino

EYE presents i.s.m. Stichting Doek: Eye on Art.
Tuesday Februari 3. 19:30 @ EYEmaya_deren2

Maya Deren Voodoo Priest
with Live music by Mola Sylla – voice and Vincent Pino – guitar.

EYE gaat dit seizoen in grote stappen en chronologisch langs de hoogtepunten van de experimentele film en kunstenaarsfilm. Ditmaal met delen van het nooit uitgebrachte Witch’s Cradle en Divine Horsemen. Met voodoo act en live muziek.…

Doek @ Eye

driven Pyrenees pittoresquesIn 2015 Doek musicians will continue to play at Eye cinema. They will provide a live accompaniment to a selection of Jean Desmet’s films. Each night a curator makes a special selection from Desmet’s work.

January 8
19.15 hr: Between insanity & scholarship: lecture by Diederik Jekel
Self-declared nerd Diederik Jekel is fascinated by the years when Desmet released his films: it is the same era which saw the rise of modern physics. With live music by Yedo Gibson and Kaja Drakzler.…