Eric Boeren


Available Jelly 40 years!

Believe it or not, Available Jelly is turning 40 this year! Hard to imagine this ensemble has been going so long, and sounds as fresh and inspired as ever. Originally a part of the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe, a group of musicians, dancers and clowns, they first came to Europe to perform in the “Festival of Fools” in the 70s. Many of the musicians stayed on, including Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher and Gregg Moore. Gregg returned to the USA some time ago but we’re happy to say he will rejoin the band for this tour of the Netherlands.…

Doek @ Zaal – February 28: the state of your equipment

tut-trumpetDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 28 Febuary
20:00 – free entry!

Wolter Wierbos and Joost Buis talk about their trombones.
Eric Boeren speaks with Felicity Provan about cornets and trumpets.
Eric talks to pianist Marta Warelis about her instrument.

Musicians talk about their instruments. Sharing anecdotes, thoughts about brands, the different sounds they get from different instruments, what the ideal sound is and how they try to get it out of their gear, they’ll give you an inside look at how they manage to coax beauty out of these hunks of metal, wood, strings… Their experience with using their equipment to let them express what they need to express.…


09.jazzfestival_web_hoofd_outlinesNONA and Cultural Mechelen organize the 2nd edition of the jazz festival BRAND! to take place February 12-13 in Mechelen, Belgium. As well as the official festival there is a second program RAND! which will take place throughout the month.

BRAND! provides a platform for a new generation of musicians in collaboration with illustrious veterans of the music. This year, the focus of the festival is on Belgian/Dutch combinations. A number of groupings featuring Doek musicians will be performing including Ambush Party, Cactus Truck, Eric Boeren, Wilbert de Joode, Teun Verbruggen, ICP and The Ex.…

Eddie and the Eagles @ DE RUIMTE

Eddie and the Eagles: at the new DE RUIMTE

Thursday January 7th
21:00 – 8 euro


958186ef55d52265819c388ba2f95A new place. A new place. A new place. Always moving forward. This almost sounds familiar. It is not the first time that we find De Ruimte at a new space. It’s not the first time we find the Eddie the Eagle museum at a new space. It’s not the first time we find Doek at a new space!…