Eric Boeren

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Boerenbond Release – For Cor

We’ve just released a recording of the Boerenbond from Doek Festival 2003 in remembrance of Cor Fuhler.

“For Doek Festival 2003 I wrote music for a group with Cor Fuhler (organ and keyolin), Guus Janssen (piano and celesta), Oren Marshall (tuba), Michael Vatcher (trap drums, huge bass drum, gongs) and myself (cornet). We had the chance to practice 3 days extensively. We got ourselves to the point that we could play the music (the ideas) well and fresh.…

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Wollo’s Brass Blast

Day 1 of Doek LIVE! at the Peepshow Palace, created by De Warme Winkel, in De Brakke Grond. That’s right, the stage is spinning! And the audience is comfortably seated in their beautiful, individual cabins.

Wollo’s Brass Blast, the quintet trombonist Wolter Wierbos especially put together for the Peepshow Palace, featuring Eric Boeren (cornet), Salvoandrea Lucifora (trombone, sousaphone), Joost Buis (trombone) and Partick Votrian (trombone, tuba, sousaphone).
Excerpt from Train Ride, by the late, great Sean Bergin.…

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The Market, redux at Space is the Place

Friday, January 10, 21:00
21:00 – 03:00 pay what you can/want on a sliding scale from €6 – €18
De Ruimte

Doek Festival’s The Market Returns!

A recap of last Doek festival’s The Market: Bazaar, with compositions by Cor Fuhler, Michael Moore, Eric Boeren, Harald Austbø, Kaja Draksler, Jasper Stadhouders, John Dikeman and Oscar Jan Hoogland.
Line-up: Ada Rave, Eric Boeren, Harald Austbø, Jasper Stadhouders, Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Wilbert de Joode, Wolter Wierbos.

This special Bazaar edition of Space is The Place ft Doek /2nd Stop is Jupiter features a stellar line-up, tons of live music (and live stallholders!)…

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Amsterdam Real Book fietstour in Waterland – with Holysloot Kunst in de Kerk

Sunday 29 September – 14:30
All Ellington Horns
ICP Orchestra with Waterland Harmonie


Doek and Holysloot Kunst in de Kerk are happy to announce the first Holysloot bicycle tour. The Amsterdam Real Book began as a project that connected the new up-and-coming impro scene with the older generation of improvisers. The Amsterdam scene enjoys international fame and respect not only for its experimental character but also for a plethora of collaborations. On Sunday 29 September we’ve set out a bicycle route with short concerts at different stops, ending with a dinner organized by Boergondineren.…