Doek Workshop

Doek Festival Workshop

As part of the Art of the Outskirts festival Doek will be hosting a 3 days of workshops at the Bimhuis August 30 through September 1, then a presentation performance will take place Sep 2 in the afternoon at Sexyland before the evening program.
Teachers include Wilbert De Joode, Michael Moore, Ada Rave and John Dikeman.

August 30 – 12:00 – 14:00 Wilbert de Joode and 15:00 – 17:00 Michael Moore
August 31 – 12:00 – 14:00 Wilbert de Joode and 15:00 – 17:00 John Dikeman
September 01 – 12:00 – 14:00 Wilbert de Joode and 15:00 – 17:00 Ada Rave
September 02Presentation at Sexyland

The Doek approach to improvisation is not tied to any particular style, it’s about self-expression and drawing on musical experiences to create in the moment.…

doek impro workshops in the coming months

photo Andy Moorphoto Andy Moor

Saturday 18 December:   Jasper Stadhouders CANCELLED, new date TBA
Saturday 08 January:       John Dikeman

Doek continues its impro workshop series in Splendor over the coming months. Unfortunately we had to cancel the two workshops in November, but Oscar Jan and Marta will be leading workshops in the new year. To round off 2021 we have Jasper Stadhouders on 18 December. And you can welcome the new year in with John Dikeman on 8 January.
The daylong workshop will comprise two sessions (±11-13.30 and 15-17).…

A Doek December – real live music

We have a number of shows happening in December. Things have changed recently, again, in the Netherlands, but it is still possible to perform live music in a safe and responsible way. Bear in mind, all these shows have audience limits so if you want to make it out, be sure to reserve in advance.


05 Sexy Planet IV w Meral Polat Trio, Wolter Wierbos solo, Michael Moore / Onno Govaert, Sanem Kalfa / George Dumitriu, Sexyland, Amsterdam
06 Dikeman, Glerum duo, Juniper Fields, The Church, Amsterdam
06 Bacchanalia, De Ruimte, Amsterdam
11 Impro Train w Blood Cloud and Han Bennink & Oscar Jan Hoogland, Bimhuis, Amsterdam
14 Onno Govaert Solo, Dikeman, Glerum duo, Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam
16 Blood Cloud, Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek, Eindhoven
17 Sexy Planet V w Jasper Stadhouders/Tristan Renfrow, ZivTaubenfeld/Nico Chientaroli/Wilbert de Joode/Sun-Mi Hong, Harmen Fraanje solo.…