De Bakfietsband

Chris Corstens Quartet & De Bakfietsband @ Hot House, Leiden April 18

hothouseSaturday April 18
15:00 for free: De Bakfietsband
21:00 15€: Chris Corstens Quartet
@: Hot House, Leiden

Hot House is one of the oldest jazz venues of The Netherlands. It has existed since 1969. More importantly, Hot House is a venue of adventurous and modern jazz, a favorite venue of young talented jazz musicians and jazz musicians of great international renown. Over the years Hot House has proved to be a nursery of jazz. And it still is.


Featured Artist – De Bakfietsband

bakfietsbandThe Bakfietsband is a band in a bakfiets. Back in the 90’s some things were of great importance: Since a street band in Amsterdam could not play for more than half an hour in the same spot, and only acoustic music was allowed, the boys of De Bakfietsband had to make a few adaptations to their plans to conquer the world. All the instruments were put on one bike. The players inside the bak (box) of the fiets (bike) – Jochem van Tol, Oscar Jan Hoogland and Harald Austbø – had to go on a diet, as did Jappe Groenendijk, who was biking as well but on a very different diet.…

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Bakfietsband and Eric Boeren play the closing of Angels’ Share

Bakfietsband – A musical mini portrait from Carambolas Films on Vimeo.

This summer has featured a wonderful series of Saturday afternoon performances at Westerpark as part of Herbert Nouwens’ sculpture exhibition, Angels’ Share. Sadly, this Sunday, it comes to a close. For the final installment we are happy to have the totally unique Bakfietsband performing as well as cornet master Eric Boeren.

This week the performance will take place Sunday afternoon, August 31, starting at 17:00. The meeting point will be in front of the twin sculpture just west of Pacific Parc.…