
Doek @ zaal 100 March 29 – George Hadow and Yuan Liu

yuanDoek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 29 March
20:00 – free entry!

George Hadow
Yuan Liu

This month Doek has invited two wonderful artists to curate our monthly Doek @ Zaal night: percussionist George Hadow and visual artist, filmmaker Yuan Liu.

Featuring musical performances – Raoul van der Weide solo
George Hadow, Onno Govaert, Michael Vatcher percussion trio
“Biomaterial Screen Projection will include revamped YL special stock footage starring Saira M Huff Gea Philes Dominika Em Jessica Pavone Josh Hydeman Ava Mendoza Mark DeWitt Will Graefe Jeremy Gustin and hopefully in time for Aaron Lumley and Jasper Stadhouders” Yuan Liu…


Constellation 100 on tour

Greg Ward alto sax
Eric Boeren cornet
Jason Adasiewicz vibraphone
Wilbert de Joode bass
Mike Reed drums

25 March Ort, Wuppertal
26 March JazzCase Dommelhof, Neerpelt
28 March Bimhuis, Amsterdam
29 March L’Archiduc, Brussels, Belgium
01 April Mullbau, Lucerne, Switzerland
02 April Blue Tomato, Vienna, Austria
03 April Alte Gerberei, St. Johan, Austria

A new ensemble for listeners, but one with a considerable history for the musicians themselves. Constellation 100 is a continuation of the intensive contact between the Amsterdam and Chicago progressive music scenes, in Doek’s case particularly with the post-Ken Vandermark generation – Mike Reed, Nate McBride, Jason Adasawiecz, Greg Ward, Dave Rempis, Josh Berman et al – who now congregate at Mike Reeds’ Chicago club Constellation.…


Featured artist – Eric Boeren

EricBoerenDoek Festival countdown
Eric Boeren cornet

Eric Boeren made his first steps in music with the brassband of Ulicoten, a small village in the south of Holland. He played solo euphonium, then moved over to the Eb tuba. At eighteen, after attending his first concerts of improvised music, he switched to cornet, his first love. He attended workshops at Amsterdam’s Bimhuis, and developed his interest in melodic shapes, musical cues, texture and sonority. In the following ten years Boeren played with the Maarten Altena Ensemble, Willem van Manen’s Contraband, Ab Baars Tentet and the Paul Termos Tentet.…