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space is the place ft doek – May

May 11 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

Eric Boeren – cornet

Felicity Provan 5tet
Felicity Provan – cornet, voice
Han Buhrs – voice
Ada Rave – saxophone
Harald Austbo – cello, voice
Michael Vatcher – drums

The final edition of Space is the Place/Second Stop is Jupiter for this season is a full on brass onslaught. We’ll have a solo from resident cornetist Eric Boeren followed by one of Doek’s favorite non-Doek ensembles, the Felicity Provan 5tet.…

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EDDIE AND THE EAGLES: Enough is Enough

March 31 – 22:00 – 05:00
The Bimhuis
€16 Regular, €13 CJP/Stadspas/Student

Eddie and the Eagles is back for our biggest edition so far. You’ve been there at OT301 and De Ruimte. It’s time to hit the elite stage and turn it inside out. Backwards. Bottom up. The Bimhuis is ours till 5 o’clock in the morning.”



PRACTICAL MUSIC! enter our ship through the engine room.
Oscar Jan Hoogland machines/ sirens/ recordplayers/ gokautomaat/ analogue synth/ electric clavichord/ real to real/ megaphones, Jasper Stadhouders guitar, Christian Lillinger drums

GO UP -> proceed, stay focused, tune in and get out.…


De Ruimte: Thursday 29 & Friday 30 June
Copenhagen Jazz Festival: Wednesday 12 t/m Saturday 15 July

Doek musicians are looking forward to playing for the first time with improvisers from two Copenhagen collectives, Barefoot Records and ILK Music. In a voyage of discovery the 10 musicians will play free improvisations as well as utilizing composed elements. Come along on Thursday and Friday evening to hear music fresh from the makers!
Then Doek heads to Copenhagen from July 12 – 15 to perform in various constellations on the Barefoot and ILK stages at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival.…

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Doek Festival 2017 part of The Present is Present

In a departure from tradition, this year’s Doek Festival will be part of a larger event, The Present Is Present, a week long festival highlighting the rich and diverse universe of creative music in Amsterdam. The scene is flourishing, with new artists, groups, venues and series popping up all over town, crossing generations, genres and boundaries and injecting new life into the city. The Present Is Present celebrates this vibrant scene. It also marks the launch of a new website, presentsoundsamsterdam.…

Kaja Draksler Octet – Gledalec out Friday

Kaja Draklser Octet – Gledalec
Clean Feed Records

Kaja Draksler releases her third album as a leader on Clean Feed this Friday with Gledalec. This is the debut recording for her Octet who will also be playing a number of festivals this season including Artacts in St Johann in Tirol, Taktlos in Zurich and Cerkno Jazz in Cerkno. Check the calendar for all dates.

It’s no wonder that a pianist with such a large sonic vision of her own instrument has an orchestral way of imagining sound and sonic associations, with her dedications to both the solo and the large ensemble formats complementing each other.


Available Jelly 40 years!

Believe it or not, Available Jelly is turning 40 this year! Hard to imagine this ensemble has been going so long, and sounds as fresh and inspired as ever. Originally a part of the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe, a group of musicians, dancers and clowns, they first came to Europe to perform in the “Festival of Fools” in the 70s. Many of the musicians stayed on, including Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher and Gregg Moore. Gregg returned to the USA some time ago but we’re happy to say he will rejoin the band for this tour of the Netherlands.…