


DAY 2 – APRIL 30


Warelis/Govaert/De Joode
Annette Krebs – Konstruktion #2
Jason Roebke Octet
Nederlands Jazzarchief Presents Jazz Portraits with Wolter Wierbos and Eric Boeren
Musical Treasure hunt – children’s program
Dance Workshop

On day two, we will start off with a dance workshop at Plantage Dok (start 11am) and a special children’s program at Maakland, with a magical mystery tour for young adventurers (start 2pm).

The day will continue at the Bimhuis with a film screening of jazz portrets featuring Wolter Wierbos & Wilbert de Joode (start 2.30pm) and will end with a diverse and entertaining line-up of artists from Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago.…

Countdown to Doek Festival 2016

Doek ABC Festival


Capitals of Improvisation

April 29th / May 4th

This year’s Doek festival will present bands and musicians who typify the flourishing improv scenes in Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago. It will be an action packed six days with music, film and dance all over town.

© Christian Lillinger, Berlin, 2015, Florian Fritsch

Let’s tell you a bit more about…..

Day 1 of the festival: April 29

At the Bimhuis these three bands will be playing

From Amsterdam Michael Moore Bigtet
Michael Moore, alto sax
Eric Boeren, clarinet
Wolter Wierbos, trombone
Giuseppe Doronzo baritone sax
Jorrit Westerhof, guitar
Kaja Draksler, piano
Arjen Gorter, double bass
Han Bennink, drums

From Berlin Hyperactive Kid
Philipp Gropper, saxophone
Ronny Graupe, guitar
Christian Lillinger, drums

and Chicago based These Things Happen
Keefe Jackson, tenor sax
Oscar Jan Hoogland, piano
Josh Abrams, double bass
Mikel Avery, drums

venue: Bimhuis
start: 20:30 hr
ticket at the door: €20 / €17 (CJP, Studenten-, Stadspas)
Free for ‘We Are Public‘ members
Festival pass whole festival: €55…


Dutch Impro Academy – August 23-29

happyhansmallThe Dutch Impro Academy is about to start off again this year featuring a top-notch faculty culled from the ICP Orchestra and Doek and the largest number of international participants ever. This year we will be collaborating with the Royal Conservatoire in Den Haag who will be hosting us for the week. There will be two performances concluding the Academy, one on August 27 in Den Haag at the wonderful venue De Nieuwe Regentes, followed by a performance in Amsterdam August 29 at the Bimhuis.…


Dikeman, Parker, Drake CD/LP Release tour

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Two new albums are coming out now from the Dikeman, Parker, Drake trio. Live at La Resistenza on El Negocito / Tractata Records will be available September on CD and coming soon on vinyl!
Cleaning the Mirror, recorded live at Cafe Oto, is available now as digital download from the new Cafe Oto store OTOROKU.

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Live at La Resistenza – Gratitude (excerpt)

As well as these new recordings, the trio will be touring this September including performances at Ai Confini tea Sardegna e Jazz, the first ever Brighton Alternative Jazz Festival, and for our Dutch friends, a Bimhuis performance September 9.…


Constellation 100 on tour

Greg Ward alto sax
Eric Boeren cornet
Jason Adasiewicz vibraphone
Wilbert de Joode bass
Mike Reed drums

25 March Ort, Wuppertal
26 March JazzCase Dommelhof, Neerpelt
28 March Bimhuis, Amsterdam
29 March L’Archiduc, Brussels, Belgium
01 April Mullbau, Lucerne, Switzerland
02 April Blue Tomato, Vienna, Austria
03 April Alte Gerberei, St. Johan, Austria

A new ensemble for listeners, but one with a considerable history for the musicians themselves. Constellation 100 is a continuation of the intensive contact between the Amsterdam and Chicago progressive music scenes, in Doek’s case particularly with the post-Ken Vandermark generation – Mike Reed, Nate McBride, Jason Adasawiecz, Greg Ward, Dave Rempis, Josh Berman et al – who now congregate at Mike Reeds’ Chicago club Constellation.…