

Dikeman, Parker, Drake CD/LP Release tour

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Two new albums are coming out now from the Dikeman, Parker, Drake trio. Live at La Resistenza on El Negocito / Tractata Records will be available September on CD and coming soon on vinyl!
Cleaning the Mirror, recorded live at Cafe Oto, is available now as digital download from the new Cafe Oto store OTOROKU.

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Live at La Resistenza – Gratitude (excerpt)

As well as these new recordings, the trio will be touring this September including performances at Ai Confini tea Sardegna e Jazz, the first ever Brighton Alternative Jazz Festival, and for our Dutch friends, a Bimhuis performance September 9.…

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Featured Artist – Taylor Ho Bynum

taylor HoDoek Festival countdown
Taylor Ho Bynum cornet, composition

Taylor Ho Bynum is a composer, cornet player, bandleader and interdisciplinary collaborator. Critics have called him “a singular and thrilling artist” (All About Jazz), “a major force on the outward-bound side of the jazz continuum” (The Boston Globe) and “a provocateur in the guise of a consensus builder” (The New York Times). Bynum currently leads his Sextet and 7-tette, and works with many collective ensembles including a duo with drummer Tomas Fujiwara, the improv trio Book of Three, the UK/US collaborative Convergence Quartet, the dance/music interdisciplinary ensemble Quartet Collective, and the trans-idiomatic little big band Positive Catastrophe.…

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Featured Artist – Wolter Wierbos

WolterDoek Festival countdown
Wolter Wierbos trombone

Wolter Wierbos is considered one of the world’s leading trombone players. He has played throughout Europe, Canada, USA and Asia. Wierbos has many awards to his name, including the Podiumprijs for Jazz and Improvised music and the most important Dutch jazz award, the VPRO Boy Edgar Prize.
Like many Dutch brass players Wierbos started out in a ‘fanfare’ (brass band), switching from trumpet to trombone when he was 17. “It looked good, and the trombones walk in front….”…

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Featured Artist – Brandon Seabrook

brandon seabrookDoek Festival countdown
Brandon Seabrook banjo

Brandon Seabrook is the guitar and banjo-shredding frontman of the raucous avant-thrash trio, Seabrook Power Plant. Mixing tweaked out hardcore with art rock improvisations where tech-metallic squelching converges with punk-jazz, his band’s two self-titled albums, Seabrook Power Plant I (2009) and Seabrook Power Plant II (2011), were released on Brooklyn’s Loyal Label. The Village Voice named him “NYC’s Best Guitarist of 2012” and he has received national and international recognition in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Fret Board Journal and UK music journal The Wire.…

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Featured Artist – Mary Oliver

mary oliverDoek Festival countdown
Mary Oliver violin, viola

Mary Oliver, violin, viola, hardanger fiddle, explores virtuosity in both scored and improvised music. Oliver (b. La Jolla, California) studied at San Francisco State University (Bachelor of Music), Mills College (Master of Fine Arts), and the University of California, San Diego, where she received a Ph.D for research in the theory and practice of improvised music.
As a soloist, Oliver has premiered works by, among others, Richard Barrett, John Cage, Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, Joëlle Léandre Liza Lim, George E.…


Featured Artist – De Bakfietsband

bakfietsbandThe Bakfietsband is a band in a bakfiets. Back in the 90’s some things were of great importance: Since a street band in Amsterdam could not play for more than half an hour in the same spot, and only acoustic music was allowed, the boys of De Bakfietsband had to make a few adaptations to their plans to conquer the world. All the instruments were put on one bike. The players inside the bak (box) of the fiets (bike) – Jochem van Tol, Oscar Jan Hoogland and Harald Austbø – had to go on a diet, as did Jappe Groenendijk, who was biking as well but on a very different diet.…