All Ellington

The Zaanstad Suite – All Ellington

December 23 De Vermanig, Zaandam.
Reservations (+ coronacheck + ID) mandatory via +31(0)614993320 of mailto:

December 30 Bimhuis, Amsterdam.
14:30. Maximum audience of 75. Tickets

January 09 PlusEtage, Baarle Nassau.
14:00. Maximum audience of 20. Tickets via +31(0)13 507 76 52 of

All Ellington will premier the new large scale work, the Zaanstad Suite, on December 23 in Zaandam.

Zaanstad Suite in four parts:
Overture – inspired by a spectacular thunderstorm over the city
Koogerpark Blues – an ode to a park around the corner, known for its summer blues concerts
Zoom – an ode to the flower beds in Zaanstad that were built to attract bees
Broken Windows – an ode to the large industrial halls in Zaanstad that could be renovated and used for new projects

The Suite was written on behalf of NFPK and the municipality of Zaanstad.…


All Ellington CD Presentation – Bimhuis and Brakke Grond

December 10De Brakke Grond
December 28The Bimhuis
All Ellington is about to release their first CD on de Platenbakkerij label and will be celebrating later this month at the Bimhuis. It’s becoming something of a year-end tradition for All Ellington to present their reinterpretations of Ellington’s elegant compositions at the Bim. If you don’t want to wait, they are also performing at De Brakke Grond as part of a program by Belgian theater group De Nwe Tijd.…

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The new season begins

After a refreshing summer filled with festivals and fun, the new season for improvised music has now begun. Amsterdam is chock-full of great venues and improvised series – be sure to check out Present Sounds Amsterdam to get an overview of everything going on. Here are some highlights featuring Doek ensembles.

Zaal 100

Impro Jazzcafe
Zaal 100 is back with regular shows every Tuesday night including the monthly showcase for All Ellington every third Tuesday of the Month.

De Ruimte

Space is the Place, Second Stop is Jupiter, Ditdit-dada-ditdit
Space is the Place at De Ruimte has already hosted a number of great shows and will begin their collaboration with Doek November 9 featuring Cactus Truck with special guest James Brandon Lewis as well as an incredibly rare, heavily amplified bass solo by Wilbert de Joode.…

All Ellington @ Bimhuis 20 November

As part of Saxophone festival Sax 14 we proudly present in the Bimhuis ALL ELLINGTON:

Michael Moore altsax, Natalio Sued tenorsax, Christian Ferlaino baritonsax, Jodi Gilbert zang, Eric Boeren cornet, Jimmy Sernesky trompet, Joost Buis trombone, Wilbert de Joode bas, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Michael Vatcher drums

Lot’s of new repertoir from the The Far East Suite!
All Ellington
Beroemde en veel minder bekende composities van pianist en bandleider Duke Ellington worden nieuw leven ingeblazen door een hedendaags orkest vol meesterlijk improviserende musici.…