Aleksandar Skoric

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!Mof!Aya! tours in February!


15 With guests Peter Ajtai and Balazs Pandi, Lumen, Budapest, Hungary
16 With Luke Stewart, Grand Cafe, Szeged, Hungary
17 With Marina Džukljev and Luke Stewart, KC Lab, Novi Sad, Serbia
18 With Luke Stewart, DIM, Belgrade, Serbia
19 With Luke Stewart, Cafe-Restaurant Jazzgalerie, Nickelsdorf, Austria
21 Scena Supernova, Krakow, Poland
22 Cyrk Pod Zielonym Xiężycem, Łódź, Poland
23 TBA, Poznan, Poland
24 Sowieso, Berlin, Germany
25 With John Hughes, B-Movie, Hamburg, Germany…

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Doek RAW – Net Label

Doek RAW is a new pay what you want, download only label documenting various projects from the members of Doek. It also features artwork by 2015 Doek photographer in residence, Sara Morris.

Doek RAW 01 John Dikeman, Aleksandar Škorić – …Again comes the rising of the Sun…
Doek RAW 02 Jason Nazary, Terrie Ex, Jasper Stadhouders – Live at Space is the Place

Coming soon – Boerenbond and Constellation100

The purpose of this label is to document music which we feel is artistically of high standing, yet, for one reason or another, is not available in another format.…