Michael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his bigtet
Michael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his nine-piece band. ‘Less is more: this clarinet and alto player can do surprisingly many things with few notes’ (Vrij Nederland).
November 28 @ Bimhuis 20:30 hr
November 29 @ De Singer 20:30 hr
November 30 @ Grand Theatre Groningen 16:00 hr
December 1 @ Cafe Wilhelmina 21:00 hr
Michael Moore altsax/klarinet, Giuseppe Doronzo baritonsax, Eric Boeren cornet, Wolter Wierbos trombone,
Jorrit Westerhof gitaar, Arjen Gorter – bass Kaja Draksler piano, Michael Vatcher drums
Alto sax and clarinet player Michael Moore is renowned internationally for his beautiful tone and his rich musical imagination. The California-born reeds player combines the best of different worlds: the finesse of the American jazz tradition, the anarchy of New Dutch Swing and the interesting sounds of folk music from all over the globe.
Moore will reach the age of 60 this month and he will celebrate this at the Bimhuis with a great nine-piece band. New and older compositions from his oeuvre will be played, sometimes quietly, but more often cheerfully, by the Michael Moore Nonet. This group features younger musicians as well as established names from the Amsterdam jazz and improv scene. Pianist Kaja Draksler, baritone saxophonist Giuseppe Doronzo, guitarist Jorrit Westerhof represent the younger generation. Bassist Arjen Gorter was for years the lynchpin of the Willem Breuker Kollectief. Cornet player Eric Boeren, trombonist Wolter Wierbos and percussionist Michael Vatcher come from the band Available Jelly, of which Moore has been a member since the 1970s.
‘Less is more: this clarinet and alto player can do surprisingly many things with few notes’ (Vrij Nederland).
‘One of the finest jazz musicians working anywhere, either in the mainstream or the avant-garde’ (Chicago Reader).
More grooves and party music playful. Not chamber. Peaks and valleys.