Doek Festival 2018 : Workshops
Doek is organizing an improvisation workshop in the Bimhuis during the Doek Festival 2018, from 14 – 17 June. During the workshop you will work alongside Doek musicians, all authorities in the field of improvised music. They are keen to share their knowledge and skills with you!
If you are interested in taking part please send a short cv and motivation (1/2 page) and 1 representative piece of music to .
If not chosen as an active participant, a musician can register as a listener. The general public can also apply as a listener for a lesser fee.
Workshop set-up
The workshop takes place from 14 t/m 16 June from 11:00 – 15:00 in the rehearsal rooms of
the Bimhuis.
– 20 participants maximum
– 2 sessions x 1 ½ hours with lunch break (Doek provides lunch)
– Teachers make groups, which change each day.
– Teachers rotate, so that everybody has a chance to work with all Doek members.
– Teachers and participants will give a concert during the Amsterdam Realbook Bike tour (part of the Doek Festival) on Sunday 17 June.
– You can also perform in various constellations at Jazzcafé in Zaal 100 on Tuesday 19
Aim of the workshop
At the end of the improvisation workshop you will:
– Have a deeper understanding of what it means to improvise and what is required
– Have a broader knowledge of improvisational tools
– Have a deeper knowledge of different aspects of the improvisation process
– Have a deeper understanding of different approaches to improvisation
– Have more confidence to improvise
Workshop topics include:
– The relationship between composition and improvisation
– Free improvisation – in the moment, deep listening, embracing your own playing
– Conduction / games
– Large group improvisation
– Self-analysis – what did I play, how could I have played differently?
– Developing and expanding your vocabulary, style and values
– Details
– Leaving your comfort zone
– The art of collective instant composing
The cost of the workshop is €90 full price OR €60 for students OR €30 for observers.
Crowdfunding: Would you like to support this workshop financially? You can at Voordekunst.