Doek Festival 2015 : June 7

Sunday, June 7

14:00 → 19:00

Amsterdam Real Book Bicycle Tour

The Amsterdam Real Book Bicycle tour will take place at 4 very small Amsterdam theatres, with the audience cycling from venue to venue. We thought since we we’re getting bigger and bigger with the festival we’d make this portion much, much smaller. It will be very intimate with a mini theatre piece and a solo performance of a Mengelberg composition in each venue. There will be route maps available and a guide to take you from venue to venue if you’re not sure of the way.

14:00 – 14:45 Pianola Museum
15:15 – 15:45 Torpedo Theater or Het Perron
16:15 – 16:45 Torpedo Theater or Het Perron
17:15 – 17:30 ferry CS–>NDSM
17:45 – 18:25 Straattheater Instituut Nederland(NDSM Werf)
18:40 or 19:00 ferry Tasmanstraat–>CS

The venues can be found on the venues page

Tour €15 (limit of 80 places)
Single concerts €5

18:30 → 20:45 at Zaal 100

Indonesian dinner

Dinner €8 (not included in festival pass)

21:00 at Zaal 100

Closing Party

Yedo Gibson Trio featuring Ab Baars – radical interpretations of Misha Mengelberg compositions.
Doek and Tri-Centric DJs.

Entry Free