Stadhouders/Govaert/De Joode

Stadhouders / Govaert / De Joode
May 3, Bimhuis

Jasper Stadhouders – guitar
Onno Govaert – drums
Wilbert de Joode – bass

Stadhouders / Govaert / De Joode improvise. The trio emerged from Amsterdam’s thriving improvised music circuit and unites two generations of improvisers: the young, up-and-coming Onno Govaert and Jasper Stadhouders with ‘old dog’ Wilbert de Joode.

Stadhouders and Govaert both grew up in Tilburg and share a longstanding musical history since their early teens, developing almost every aspect of their music making together over the years. They play(ed) in many bands together, of which the powerhouse called Cactus Truck is perhaps the best known. Upon moving to Amsterdam in the mid 2000s, they quickly got inspired by and then involved in the revolutionary edifice of Amsterdam’s improvised music community. One of the scene’s major pillars is of course Wilbert de Joode, who has always shown great openness towards newcomers. The three quickly took a liking to one another and the forming of a working trio, occasionally expanded by guest players, proved to be a rewarding step.

One of the great properties of music, in general, but perhaps even more so in the method of improvisation, is the fact that background, age, education and other such things are instantly defied by the urgency of sound. And SOUND is what this trio’s music is based on, more so than any other conventional parameter like melody, harmony and rhythm.

Trio Stadhouders/Govaert/De Joode dips into a rich source of experiences and ideas to produce music that is urgent and extremely flexible. Music that’s not tied to any particular genre, music which makes you forget time, music of the next moment, music that IS.
