I Hear a Smell






April 29, Zaal 100

Ciska Jansen – cook performance, voice
Liz Allbee – trumpet
Tobias Delius – tenor sax, clarinet
Charly Birkenhauer – vibraphone
Joe Williamson – bass
Christian Lillinger – drums

Du wirst, mein Freund, für deine Sinnen
In dieser Stunde mehr gewinnen
Als in des Jahres Einerlei.
Was dir die zarten Geister singen,
Die schönen Bilder, die sie bringen,
Sind nicht ein leeres Zauberspiel.
Auch dein Geruch wird sich ergetzen,
Dann wirst du deinen Gaumen letzen,
Und dann entzückt sich dein Gefühl.
Bereitung braucht es nicht voran,
Beisammen sind wir, fanget an!

Faust, Goethe

Right in this hour you will obtain
More for your senses than you gain
In a whole year’s monotony.
What tender spirits now will sing.
The lovely pictures that they bring
And not mere magic for the eye:
They will delight your sense of smell,
Be pleasing to your taste as well,
Excite your touch and give you joy.
No preparation needs my art,
We are together, let us start.

Faust, Goethe trans Walter Kaufmann

When the SWR asked me to put a new project together for last year’s ‘Donaueschinger Musiktage’ I had the band together quickly: Christian, Charly & Liz are three very different musicians from Berlin who I have been wanting to combine for a while. Joe is always on my wish list.
Having Ciska on stage with us is a real thrill. She and I have been putting on a lot of informal concerts with her making food. To bring this everyday situation, with its sounds, smells and inbuilt drama to the formal Donaueschingen festival stage intrigued me. Now we’ve come full circle: playing at zaal 100, home away from home.

Tobias Delius