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Eddie and the Eagles: KOPIE

This time Eddie the Eagle Museum and Doek are presenting something exquisite, something that has never been done before, something new:

Thursday Februari 13th. 21:00 @ OT301.
With a real fat version of the Amsterdam Real Book! in spiegelbeeld:

John Dikeman sax
Michael Moore clarinet
Mikael Szafirowski guitar
Gerri Jaeger drums
Ernst Glerum bass
Onno Govaert drums
Oscar Jan Hoogland piano
Felicity Provan trumpet
Yedo Gibson sax

Of course we’ll put the tune Copycat by Sean Bergin on the setlist.

Fruther: Kids with Guns will come: A very dangerous band from Utrecht!
Art by Aukje Dekker, Niels Goos, an only covers Copycat DJ set, and organist van het eeste uur Berrie Kolmans speelt het eerste uur de fraaist kopietjes van liedjes op zijn orgel! (latest updates at the facebook event)


Short impression of the last edition of Eddie and the Eagles.

A month ago at OT301: Eddie and the Eagles SOLOSHOW. with Duke Garwood, Chris Corstens Quartet, Keiko Shichijo and Cactus Truck