Doek @ Zaal – June 29 hosted by Malaya Zumel

malayaeflyerDoors open at 17:45!

All Ellington
Indonesian snacks
Party, Party!

What’s happening this Sunday? Well of course football: Netherlands – Mexico. And the last Doek @ Zaal 100 for the season. And the long-awaited Doek festival after after party. ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. If we get it all sorted out (and we’re pretty sure we will) then doors and bar will open at 17:45 and the match will be shown on a big screen. After the match we’ll move on to Indonesian snacks and prosecco, before moving into the big room for the fabulous All Ellington. Some whisky may be involved as well, if Aya Malaya Zumel has anything to say about it (and she does, it’s her night after all!).